Chapter 438

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Matt's POV: Once I finished getting changed into my sweats and checking on the twins, I smiled as I came into the kitchen to see Gabby wearing a tank top and her tight athletic pants. Walking up behind her as she finished putting the pizza in the stove, I smiled as I wrapped my arms around her and put my hands on her legs. "God, you have no idea how gorgeous you are while wearing this." Gabby laughed when I said that before turning around to look at me. Moving her to the side so she was in front of the counter, I stepped close to her and smiled while kissing her.

Gabby then smiled as she wrapped her arms around my back and went to lay her head down on my chest. "How you feeling when it comes to being home? I know you've been home for 72 hours now but's pretty new compared to how long you have been in the hospital." Gabby leaned back and looked at me, smiling. "Honestly, it feels like I never left. I have just fallen back into the routine we had and it's just perfect. I have all the people I love here with me and that's all that matters. You know...had we gone back to the firehouse, I still would've been fine."

I sighed when she said that. "That's actually why I got us back here Gabby. I don't want you living there anymore. I mean sure, we can stay there overnight but...I still have bad dreams of you going into premature labor. I was scared of loosing you and the babies that entire day." Gabby nodded when I said that before going to lay her head down on my chest. "Listen, the pizza is in the oven and you have a timer on. What do you say we go sit on the couch together? I can put something on the TV for Louie and we can lay down together while I hold you."

Gabby nodded and smiled when I said that before going to grab my hand. Leading her to the living room, I smiled when I saw Louie doing some coloring in one of his books. "Or we can just talk while he colors." Gabby nodded. "Honestly, I like the quiet. There was too much beeping in the hospital and I was always been disturbed right when I got to sleep." Going to get on the couch first, I smiled as I went to grab the blanket before going to sit on the couch. Gabby then smiled as she joined me before going to lay down on my chest. Kissing her head, I smiled at her.

Wrapping my arm around her back, I smiled as I held Gabby in my arms before rubbing her back. "Just curious, your back hurting? I heard you keep moving when you were in bed." Gabby sighed and nodded. "When you sleep in the same, uncomfortable hospital bed for a takes you a while to readjust to your comfortable bed. And I got up a few times to check on the babies. I guess I am still worried because now they aren't being monitored 24/7 like they were at the hospital." I nodded when she said that before going to kiss her head. "They are fine Gabby."

Going to grab the baby monitor from the coffee table, I went to turn the volume up so that we could hear what was going on in our bedroom. I already knew that Gabby appreciated that I did that because she smiled right away. Looking up at me, she proceeded to kiss me softly while whispering to me. "I know it seems paranoid for me to always want it on loud but..." I then shook my head. "Gabby, just take a breather and stop putting yourself down. You are doing everything right. You are concerned for your children...that is completely normal."

Gabby nodded when I said that when she went to grab my hand. She then went to intertwine our fingers and just smiled at my wedding band. "Yes." I was confused when she said that. "What are you talking about babe?" Gabby then looked at me. "I think I would like to do the vow renewal. I know I was hesitant and we still haven't talked about it much but...I think it would be fun. But we have to wait until the twins can walk okay? I want Gabriel to be our ring bearer." I smiled when she said that before going to reach over for my phone. "Want to set a date?"

Gabby nodded when I asked her that. "I think we should because everything is perfect right now. I want to do it before something hits the fan and something goes wrong." I was shocked when she said that. "What do you think would go wrong?" Gabby then looked at me and sighed. "Matt, I know this sounds crazy but...I am thinking of going back. So, if I catch this...then we at least had our dream wedding." I just looked at her and was shocked. "Okay, hold on a second. Let's just take that statement one step at a time. You want to go back to Puerto Rico?" 

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