Chapter 441

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Matt's POV: As me and Gabby sat the kitchen table after having supper with Louie, I smiled as I watched him play with his toys. "I swear, it's like he never left this place. He just looks so at home." Gabby nodded when I said that and agreed with me. "I think so too. Now listen, I hate to rush you but...I would like to call the Hermanns and say hi. That and we need to talk to Cindy about her helping us out. But we need to make sure she knows it's at the firehouse apartment."

I laughed when Gabby said that. "Gabby, you seem to forget that they have 5 kids. I am positive that she is going to be okay taking care of our 3 amazing kids in the apartment while we are on shift. It would also give her reassurance that Hermann was okay all shift." Gabby agreed with me when I said that and nodded while going to grab my hand. Rubbing it, she smiled and then went to call Cindy so that we could talk to her about helping us in September with the kids. I just hope that she says yes because I knew that it would kill Gabby if the kids got in the way of her job.

That's when Hermann answered. "Hey Chief. How can I help you?" I then laughed. "Actually, it's how your wife can help us. Cindy around Hermann?" Cindy then went to speak to us. "Yes I am. How are you guys? We haven't spoken much since the twins were born. Recovering well Gabby?" Gabby nodded when she asked her that. "Yeah, really well. In fact, so well that I have a new job." Hermann was shocked. "Where are you going to be working during the pandemic? Stay safe."

"That's actually something we need to talk about Hermann. You see, Gabby is coming back to work in September as Paramedic-in-Chief on Ambo 61." Hermann was shocked when I said that. "Wow, that is both surprising yet amazing news! I am so happy that you are coming back Gabby!" Gabby then sighed. "There's just this little thing that we need to ask for some help with. It's the last thing that we need to figure out before I can officially go back to work in September." They were confused when she said that. "And what's that Gabby?" Gabby then sighed, scared.

"Uhm, you see...we don't have childcare. With the twins and Louie..." Cindy then laughed. "Gabby, I would love to take care of Louie for you guys again. I have missed him. I always had a great time with him. Heck, no offence...but he was just as much my foster kid as he was yours!" Looking at Gabby, I laughed when she said that. "That's kinda true." Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "You see, it wouldn't just be Louie would be our twins too. Is that too much to ask? I mean, it wouldn't be tomorrow but...the twins are still going to be up at night by then."

Cindy understood what we were saying. "Gabby, I know why you are scared to trust your babies with just anybody. It makes sense why you are asking me to do this for you. If your mom can't do it then I would love to take care of Louie and your twins. Anyways, I have missed making zoo pancakes." Gabby smiled when she said that and going to grab my hand. "To start, could you maybe watch them in the apartment at the firehouse? I would still breastfeed them for a bit. And of course, I might want to jump pop in and out to see them every once and a while."

Cindy agreed. "Remember that Christopher has an apartment there too. I have been thinking of staying there for a bit too. It's not fair that he is the only one who gets a break! I can stay in the apartment with your kids when you are on call...but then I can stay with Christopher when you guys are back at the firehouse." I liked the sound of that and agreed with her. "Honestly, I think that would be a dream come true. We get to work, be with the kids on shift, have them be safe in our apartment while being taken care of by somebody that we trust whole heartedly!"

Cindy laughed. "Well, looks like I might as well start getting a CFD paycheck considering I am going to be there all the time." I laughed when she said that. "Yeah, your paycheck is having your husband come back to you after every call. So, this September you can start?" Cindy agreed. "Of course. And we can do a dry run in August before it becomes permanent." I liked the sound of that and agreed with her. "Well, it looks like I am going back to work." I smiled and nodded when Gabby said that before going to kiss her softly. "Welcome back to Firehouse 71."

Gabby smiled when I said that before going to grab my hand. "Listen Cindy, you have no idea how much this means to me. But listen, we have to get Louie in the bath so he can get comfy in his PJs. Matt, can you clean up the kitchen while I go give him a bath?" I nodded and smiled when she said that, watching as she went to grab Louie to take him for a back. Meanwhile, I went to continue my conversation with Hermann. "Okay, now for business. Hermann give me a status update on how everything is at the firehouse." Hermann laughed when I said that.

He then went to give me the rundown of everything that has gone on at the firehouse lately.

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