Chapter 398

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Matt's POV: After bring the kids into the house and carrying them upstairs to our bedroom, I smiled when I saw Louie get onto our bed. He was excited to have his siblings home and honestly, so was I. Looking at Gabby as I went to wrap my arms around her, I just kissed her forehead and smiled at her. "Finally, we are home." She agreed with me when I said that before going to put her hands on my arms. "Thank you so much for getting me through this." I nodded when she said that before going to kiss her softly. "I will always help you through everything."

Wrapping her arms around me, Gabby then went to lay her head down on my chest while looking at the twins. "They are finally home safe with us." I agreed with her and nodded. "And so are you. And now, we get a few months to get everything ready. I am also glad that we have our hold home back." Gabby smiled when I said that and agreed with me. "Honestly, we should've never gotten rid of this place." I nodded when she said that. "That was my fault." I then went to grab her neck. "But there is nowhere I would rather be right now with our family." Gabby agreed.

"Listen, how about you get changed and you can get comfortable in bed? Meanwhile, I will get the twins out of their car seats and into their cribs at the end of our bed. And I am also going to put Louie down for a nap." Louie then looked at me and wasn't happy. "Louie stay with mama." Gabby then looked at me and nodded. "Matt, I want to cuddle with my entire family. Please don't make him go to bed." I nodded and understood. "Okay. However, we have a bunch of people who have been texting me all day because they heard that you are home today."

Gabby then looked at me. "Matt, we are not making calls on my first day home. Please can we just relax today with Louie? I am exhausted and it's why I sent my family away. I want to just be with the most important people in my life. Our kids and the love of my life." I smiled when she said that and nodded before walking over to her. Sitting down next to her, I went to lean over her and kissed her softly. "You are the love of my life too." Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded as she just held me close. "Did Louie have lunch yet?" I then looked at him.

"Louie, you eat yet?" Louie then shook his head. "Abuela promised me McDonald's before you came home." I then looked at him. "Oh did she now?" Gabby then laughed when he said that. "Louie, do you know the difference between a lie and a truth?" He then nodded. "Lying bad." I nodded and looked at him. "So, I am going to ask you again...did abuela really promise you that you could have McDonald's for lunch? Because I can go out there right now and ask her?" He then looked at me and nodded. Gabby then looked at me and sighed. "Get me a cheese?"

I then looked at her and sighed. "If we are going to get burgers, then I am going to go get them at our bar. I am not putting money elsewhere when we just reopened. How about we do this? I know we just got home about I take Louie with me to Molly's? We can get some food, he can eat and you can have an hour to rest? You know he is going to want to be with you all the time. Or do you want me to stay here?" Gabby then bit her lip but agreed. "I think I need a bit of alone time honestly...not that you have been hovering but." I then laughed. "Your mom is here."

That's when I heard Camila at the door. "You going to take Louie out for a while? He has been missing his dad." I nodded while turning to look at her. "Would you be okay with that?" Camila nodded and smiled. "Let me see, time alone with my daughter and my new grandkids...please." I laughed when she said that before going to walk over to my side table. Grabbing my wallet, I then went to walk over to Gabby. "If you need anything. You call me okay? I don't care if Louie needs time with me...I am your husband and the twin's dad first. I love you." Gabby smiled.

"I know Matt." I then went to lean over her and kissed her softly. "Can I have a beer at Molly's to celebrate you being home?" Gabby laughed when I said that. "Nope, you do not drive that Tesla after having a beer. I want to drive it someday because it looks cool." I nodded and agreed with her. "If I run into I say no to them coming to visit?" Gabby bit her lip and nodded. "Exception is family. Can you give me today?" I nodded when she said that before going to walk up to her. Going to kiss her forehead, I just agreed with her. "Of course." Gabby just smiled when I said that and agreed with me. "God, you are such a good husband."

I laughed and agreed with her when she said that. "And you are the best wife and mother in the entire world. I love you and I promise I will be an hour, 90 minutes tops okay?" Gabby nodded and smiled when I said that, giving me one last kiss before letting me go. Walking away, I looked at Louie. "C'mon Louie, let's get going. We are going to Molly's so that we can get you a cheeseburger and so that daddy can have some real meat for once." I then looked at Gabby. "God, I am not going to miss that hospital food." Gabby agreed. "Just go, I want girl time."

I then laughed when she said that. "Shut up, you've loved having my complete undivided attention at the hospital. Now listen, I need to go. I bet all of our friends are going to be at the bar. I'm going to tell them that we are home and that they can call but not visit." Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that. That's when we heard Louie. "Daddy, I ready!" I then just laughed and shook my head. "I'm coming bud. Let's get going to the restaurant." He agreed and smiled as he walked over to the door, ready to go have some time alone with his daddy.

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