Chapter 439

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Matt's POV: When I heard that Gabby wanted to go back to Puerto Rico, I was shocked. She wants to go back there in the middle of the pandemic when we have 3 kids and I just became co-Battalion Chief at Firehouse 71? I am sorry but no way in hell! I hate to call her selfish but that is selfish. I have my dream job and we have our dream life. Now she wants to rip that away from me and maybe even take the kids with her? Hell no! She is staying here this time and that's final. "Gabby, are not going back to Puerto Rico!"

Gabby then looked at me when I said that and sat up. "Hey, calm down..." I then looked at her. "Calm down? You just said you want to go back..." Gabby then went to yell. "TO THE CFD AS A PARAMEDIC!" I looked at her when she said that and took a breath. "Oh." I then went to sit back more and sighed as I watch Gabby come sit in my lap. Grabbing the side of my head, she looked at me. "Matt, take a breath and look at me okay. I am never going back to Puerto Rico without you. I was miserable without you and I want this life here."

I nodded when she said that and smiled at her. "I want it too Gabby but, you want to go back to being a paramedic?" Gabby nodded and looked at me. "I know I said something different a first but, I have been thinking. I have been blessed with amazing healthcare when I was in the hospital and they took such good care of me that I didn't get COVID. I want to give back and serve the community again. Would you be against me going back to the CFD as a paramedic?" I looked at her when she said that. "I thought we were going to do you as paramedic chief?"

Gabby shook her head. "That's too much work babe. I want to be home as much as possible. Are you against me wanting to help during the pandemic?" I sighed when she said that and then went to nod. "Can I just explain?" Gabby then looked at me. "You better have a good reason." I then went to look into her eyes. "I don't want you working at the firehouse in case if there's an outbreak again. If I have to quarantine...then someone has to take care of the kids. If you are there too, then you are going to have to quarantine." Gabby sighed when I said that.

I decided to wrap my arm around her more. "But, if you think that we can do it safely...then I am sure we can work something out. If we get COVID...then the kids can stay with one of our moms. Or they can go to Antonio's place." Gabby smiled when I said that. "God, I need to do some work then. Can you contact Chief Hatcher and see what I need to do to get re-certified to be a paramedic? And see if he can assign me to your house." I nodded when she said that before going to kiss her. Reaching over to grab my phone, I smiled when I went to find Hatcher's number. 

Calling it, I smiled as I reached him. "I will be right back okay Gabby?" Gabby nodded and smiled as I said that. "Chief Hatcher." Walking away, I smiled as I went to try and get Gabby the position of Paramedic-in-Chief (again) at Firehouse 71.

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