Going Home - July 1st, 2020

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Matt's POV: As I walked into the hospital for the last time to get the family, I smiled when I came into Gabby's hospital room where Antonio stayed with her last night. I asked if I could stay home with Louie last night to get a quick rest since my back was hurting after weeks of sleeping here. Antonio wasn't too happy about it but Gabby thought it would be a good idea since it would mean that I would get time with Louie. Speaking of him, he was still at home with the family. They are going to be there waiting for us and Gabby already knew. They couldn't visit while we were in the hospital so, they are going to be visiting us right when we got home. Walking in, I saw Gabby laying our son Gabriel in the crib. (Yes, we changed his name again...last time I said!)

"Just reminding you that we are not changing his name again. I painted his name on the wall of his nursery and that is what it is going to stay." Gabby smiled as she turned around to look at me. "And I am just glad you got to delay your paternity leave until this summer. 2 months at home with you is going to be perfect." I smiled and agreed with her when she said that before walking over to her. Wrapping my arms around her, I went to kiss her softly when I heard Antonio. "You have a good sleep last night?" I then turned to look at him. "Shut up Antonio. Gabby was fine with it. And don't tell me that you didn't do that when Laura was in the hospital. Heck, I know a lot of dads that have to go home to their kids while their wife is stuck in the NICU with babies."

Antonio nodded and agreed with me when I said that. Gabby then smiled at me as she laid her head down on my chest. "How's Louie just curious?" I then smiled when she said that. "Louie is ready to be able to spend time with his siblings." Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "And the bedroom?" I then smiled at her. "Ready for us to lay down with those little twins of ours. By the way, this little one here is already on my chest the minute we get in bed. Little Hannah Maria told me last night that she wants to cuddle up to her daddy when we are home." I then went to rub her forehead and just smiled at her while she was in her car seat. "Oh is that so now?" Turning to look at her, I nodded and smiled. "Oh c'mon, like you don't want to see me holding her on my chest. She is going to be adorable. And we can rotate. Antonio will watch Louie. I'm with you."

Gabby then turned to look at her brother. "Did he just volunteer you to do that or are you actually doing it?" Antonio laughed when she said that. "I was going to come anyways, I want to be there for you guys." Gabby smiled when he said that before going to hug him. "Don't say anything Matt. He was tested to come in here." I laughed when she said that. "Yeah, because I was going to stop you from hugging the man who made sure my kids were safe last night. By the way, I told Delaney that I will continue to be the liaison between...." Gabby turned to look at me when I started to talk about work. "You are off work for the next 2 months! I do not want to hear about it understood!" I then agreed and nodded, knowing to shut up because she's tired.

Walking over to me, Gabby went to grab my hands. "Can we just get going? I want to see Louie, get changed and lay down in our bed for a while. I am tired of sleeping in a hospital bed. I just want to snuggle in bed with you." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. "Believe me, that is what we are going to do the minute we are home. We are taking the kids upstairs with us and getting in bed. I have been worried about you all night and I need to rest just like you do." Gabby smiled when I said that before stepping close to me and kissing me softly. "No need to worry anymore okay? I am safe, health and I am cleared to go home and resume my normal life."

I agreed when she said that. "Yes, because you did your post-surgery recovery while you were here. Now, can we go? As much as I love being here....I want to take you and the babies home." Gabby nodded when I said that, looking at the babies as they were in their car seats. "Let's go okay?" I nodded and agreed with her as we went to walk over to the car seats. Grabbing Hannah's car seat, I smiled before deciding to also grab Gabriel's car seat.

"Antonio, can you grab our bags?" He agreed with me and nodded. "Of course. Anything to get you home." Gabby smiled and agreed with him. "Want me to..." Turning to look at her, I shook my head. "You are not grabbing anything. You have been here far too long and need to rest." Gabby nodded and smiled when I said that. "Then let's go home!" I smiled and agreed with her before going to kiss her quickly. Grabbing both of our kids, I went to take them home.

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