Firehouse 71's First Day

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June 2nd - Firehouse 71 Training Day, Chief's Apartment:
Matt's POV: As I wake up on my first day as Battalion Chief at Firehouse 71, I smile when I decide to make some breakfast for the entire family since I am up a bit early. I already took another shower after getting a little intimate with Gabby last night and I was now wearing my white shirt that gave me the recognition as Battalion Chief. Hearing Gabby come out of the bedroom, I smiled as I went to turn around and just looked at her. "Hey, did I wake you up this morning?" Gabby then looked at me and shook her head. "I wish you did though. You look great."

Walking over to me, Gabby smiled as she came to wrap her arms around me. Kissing me softly, she just smiled as she held me close. "I had fun last night. I am glad we decided to do that. I just hope it doesn't make you too tired." I nodded when she said that. "If I am too tired to work...then it was worth it. I am never going to complain that I am tired because I made love to my wife last night." Gabby laughed when I said that before going to wrap her arm around my back and just rubbing it. "You nervous?" I shook my head and smiled while kissing her forehead.

"Can you promise that you are going to try and keep Louie up here with you today? I don't want to have to worry about him coming downstairs and getting hurt. I am going to try and have 1-on-1 conversations with most of the firefighters today. I want to get to know the other group of men that I don't know from house 20." Gabby nodded when I said that. "I promise, he isn't going downstairs...but it's because I do not want him getting COVID and possibly bringing it up here." I nodded and agreed with her when I said that. I then went to kiss her forehead and smiled at her.

That's when I heard Louie come downstairs. "Hey bud, you sleep good?" Louie nodded when I asked him that. Gabby then smiled at me. "Go spend time with him and watch TV okay? I can make these eggs for you." I nodded and agreed with her before walking over to Louie. "Hey little man, how about you come sit down with me in the living room?" Picking him up in my arms, I smiled as I went to hold him close. "Daddy has to work today have to stay up here okay?" Louie nodded when I said that. "But right now, you get to cuddle with daddy."

Louie smiled as I went to carry him to the couch and sat down with him. "By the way Matt, you sure that you should be wearing that today? I mean, you are chief." I looked at her and sighed. "We are doing drills and I am not just going to stand around. Delaney can do that...I am going to get involved in the drills." That's when I went to send him a text to let him know. 'Hey Delaney, just an FYI...I am not wearing a white shirt. I am going to do the drills today with the guys. Need a workout too.' I then went to set my phone down and smiled at Louie. "You comfortable?"

Louie nodded and smiled as he laid down on my chest. "Yeah, I always comfy with daddy." I smiled when he said that and just wrapped my arms around him. "You know that daddy is going to miss you today right? If he didn't have to go to work...he would be staying here with you and mommy all day. But daddy has a busy day today." Louie nodded and smiled. "Me and mommy do too. We are going to cuddle in bed and watch movies." Gabby smiled when he said that. "That sounds like a perfect day Louie. Now daddy also has to work tomorrow you know."

Louie looked up at me when Gabby said that. "You do?" I nodded while kissing the top of his head. "Yeah, daddy's house officially starts to work tomorrow. Today we are just practicing. Tomorrow we go be heroes and stuff." Louie nodded and agreed. "Daddy, can you promise me something?" I nodded and looked at him. "Of course." That's when Delaney texted me back. 'That's fine. You're chief.' I agreed when he texted me back before looking at Louie. "Daddy, promise you come back to me. I can't loose another daddy." I nodded when he said that.

"Daddy is always going to come home and you aren't going to loose another daddy. There is nowhere I would rather be. I promise bud, I am going to be safe." Louie nodded when I said that before cuddling up to my chest. I then went to grab the TV remote and went to turn on a TV show for him while looking at Gabby. Kissing the top of Louie's head, I just wrapped my arm around him tighter while we relaxed on the couch. I knew he was scared and I just hoped that he would calm down. Turning to look at Gabby, I smiled. "Hey bud, I want to tell you something okay?"

Louie then looked up at me. "If you are ever scared that daddy isn't just tell mommy and she will call me. I will come up here and I will show you that I am okay. I promise." Gabby liked the sound of that. "I think that's a great idea Matt." I smiled while turning to look at her. "I thought it would be." I then went to kiss Louie's head as we continued to relax together. "The same goes for you Gabby. If you get worried, you can text me and I will come upstairs to you. Delaney knows that you guys come first...all the time." I then went to kiss Louie's head smiling.

Holding him close to me, I knew that this was going to be hard on him but he was going to grow out of it...I just knew he would because I am never leaving him or Gabby. That was something I already promised both myself and the both of them. I will always put my family first, that will never change. But unfortunately, that can't always be the case. As a firefighter, my first oath is to the citizens of Chicago...I may have to save people and that might mean getting hurt. Let's hope that never has to happen because my dream life is within reach with biological kids on the way.

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