Chapter 442

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Meanwhile, next door with Jay & Erin:
Erin's POV:
As I stand in the shower with Jay, I can't help but smile as I rub his arm, feeling him hold me close and kiss me slowly. We worked pretty hard today and I am just glad that we are done. We decided to start later (around noon) tomorrow considering we worked so hard. But in complete honesty, it was so that I could sleep in. The twins...god still can't believe I can say that...are waking me up in the middle of the night still and I want to be able to wake up naturally instead of being woken up by my alarm because I have to work. That's when I felt Jay kiss my neck.

Stepping close to Jay as he did that, I went to wrap my arms around his neck and smiled at him. "God, you have no idea how much I like it when you do that." Jay laughed when I said that and smiled. "I was trying to get your attention. You spaced out for a bit babe." I nodded when he said that before stepping close to him. "I was thinking about how tomorrow morning, we get to sleep in before work after lunch. Speaking of which...I expect you in bed with me when I wake up. Please promise me that you are not going to take it as an opportunity to go workout tomorrow."

Jay nodded as he went to wrap his arms around me. He then went to kiss my shoulder and just smiled as he held me in his arms. "I promise Erin, I am going to be laying down in bed with you tomorrow morning then you wake up. I think I might do it from now on because of how comfortable I am when we wake up in each other arms." I smiled when he said that and nodded as I went to lay my head down on his chest. "What do you say we get out of here and start making our way to bed okay? As much as I love this, I am pretty tired after working all day."

Jay nodded when I said that before going to shut off the shower for me. Going to reach out for our towels, Jay gave me mine before going to dry himself off in the shower. "Nope, let me." He agreed and smiled as I went to dry him off. Jay then went to did the same before wrapping his towel around his waist so that he could get out. Walking over to the counter, he grabbed his boxers and smiled at me. "Just curious, am I going to need those boxers tonight?" I laughed when he asked me that and nodded. "Yes, because I already told you no more sex." Going to put his boxers on while setting his towel down on the counter, Jay smiled at me as I stood at the counter.

Stepping close to me, Jay went to bring me close to him and smiled. "What do you say I go get you a nightie that you can wear to bed?" I smiled when he said that and nodded because I loved that idea. "I am actually really starting to like wearing those nighties. They are very comfortable and very easy to slip on an off on top of my baby bump." Jay nodded when I said that and smiled as he went to walk away to go grab me a nightie in my dresser. Hopefully, my new silk one that I bought especially for him. I wanted to tease him and just give him a bit of pleasure at times.

That's when I heard Jay's reacting to my new nightie. "What the hell is this?" I then saw him walk back into our master bathroom carrying the silk night and I Just smirked. "How about you give it to me and you can see how good it is on me?" Jay nodded when I said that. "I am staying here though. I want to watch you put it on." I nodded and smiled when Jay said that before going to drop my towel so that I could put my nightie on.

Jay's POV:
As I watched Erin put her nightie on, I couldn't help but stare at the sight of her just slipping it on over her gorgeous pregnant body. Walking over to her when she had her nightie on, I went to grab her hand and brought her close to me before wrapping my arms around her. "Have I told you how ridiculously gorgeous you look when you are wearing such sexy lingerie like this?" Erin smiled when I said that before going to rub my arms. Holding her close to me, I went to kiss her slowly and just smiled as we took it slow with each other until we were disturbed.

I then pulled away and looked at Erin. "Not to speak ill of the dead but...I thought our problems with being disturbed when we are in the middle of doing that would be done when he died!" Erin laughed when I said that. "He did always have good timing didn't he?" Erin then stepped close to me before going to wrap her arms around my neck. Kissing me softly, she smiled at me. "I am going to go lay down in bed. Check who it is and then come join me Principal Deputy Halstead." I smiled when she said that and agreed with her. "I will be right there."

Giving her one last kiss, I let her go and just sighed because I wanted to be with her in bed. But instead, I am here answering my phone. Going to see who it was, I saw that it was my brother. Answering it, I went to speak to him. "This better be good because you just inte..." That's when Will told me that the one thing I prayed would never happened just happened. "I have COVID."

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