Hanna Maria Casey & Matthew James Casey, Jr.

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A few hours later with Matt as he sits in Gabby's recovery room:
Matt's POV: As I sat down next to Gabby's bed in the recliner, I couldn't help but look at our twins as they both lay down in their incubators in the same room as us. The hospital moved all incubators into the recovery suites at the hospitals to make sure that the babies were near their moms without them having to leave. And boy were our babies adorable. Looking at them both as I decided to get up...I smiled when I went to wash my hands. That's when I walked up in between the incubators and went to look at Hanna. "Hi princess. Daddy's right here."

I then went to rub her stomach and smiled at her before going to look at MJ. "Hey MJ. You need to be strong for us. We are going to get through this as a family. I am here for you buddy and you need to stay safe so that you can meet your big brother Louie. He is so excited to meet you both." That's when I started to hear my phone ring. Walking away, I went to see it was Antonio and Christie. They were calling from the firehouse where we were going to be living with the twins. I decided to answer the call and showed them the twins right away like they both wanted.

Putting my earbuds in, I listened to them speak right away. "Hi guys, just give me a minute and I will show you want you want to see." Getting up, I walked over to the incubator. (The twins were sharing an incubator) "Here is little Hanna Maria Casey." Antonio liked the sight of that. "God, she looks just like her mother." I smiled and agreed. "I know right. And here is Matthew James Casey, Jr." Antonio agreed with me. "Too late to change the name?" I then shook my head. "And here is the strongest woman I have ever met." I then went to show Gabby sleeping in bed.

Unfortunately, she woke up when I said that. "The babies okay?" I nodded when she asked me that before moving close to her in my chair. "Here, take this." She then went to grab the earbud and I went to show who was on the phone. "Oh, it's family." I nodded and smiled. "Hi Louie." Louie then looked at her and was worried. "Mama, you okay?" Gabby nodded when he asked her that. "Mama's okay buddy. She just gave birth to your brother and sister." He nodded when Gabby said that and I smiled at her. "How are you feeling, need any more pain meds?"

Gabby shook her head when I asked her that. "Can you join me in bed though? I know I have stitches but..." I nodded when she asked me that. Opening the covers, I went to get in bed with her and then smiled when I felt her get in my arms. Laying down on my chest, Gabby just cuddled up to me while putting her head on my shoulder. I then went to wrap my arm around her and smiled as I went to kiss her forehead. "How are you feeling?" Gabby then looked up at me. "I am just glad that the babies are both here with us and that we are together, safe."

I nodded when she said that before going to kiss her forehead. "And I promise that I am not going anywhere anytime soon okay?" I then went to look at Louie. "About that...Louie, daddy is going to stay here with mommy for a while okay? You okay staying with uncle Antonio and aunt Christie? Mommy and your siblings need me here." Louie (somewhat) understood. "Talk each day?" I nodded when he said that. "All the time, I promise." I then went to whisper to Gabby and smiled at her. "You want me to order us some supper? You must be hungry." Gabby nodded.

She then went to whisper to me and smiled. "This is the first time we have laid down together in bed without anybody in between us." I nodded when she said that before going to kiss her forehead. "That is true." I then went to kiss her forehead again when I heard Natalie come into our room. Reaching over for our masks, I went to put them on. "Sorry, I thought we could take them off in our room." Natalie nodded. "Yeah, you can. I was just going to check on the babies if that's okay." Gabby nodded. "Just curious, how long are we going to be here?" Natalie then sighed. "Probably for a while but, we are going to let you keep the room. It's safer for you."

We both agreed when she said that and smiled. "Thanks Natalie. By the way, make sure Will doesn't tell his brother that we had the babies. That is our job."  Natalie then sighed when I asked her that. That's when I realized that Will already told them. "He asked for them to pray for Gabby. They asked why." I nodded when she said that. "Be lucky that I like the reason or else that would be a HIPPA violation." She agreed and nodded. "By the way, you have a visitor. I know there is not supposed to be but...it's CFD." I then went to look at Gabby. "Might be the District Chief. Babe, I have to go talk to him. I will be right back." Gabby nodded when I said that.

I then went to give her the phone and kissed her forehead before grabbing my mask. Getting up, I went to put it on before making my way out to the hallway so that I could talk to the CFD.

Dawsey: Raising a Family Part 1Where stories live. Discover now