A Visit from Shay, Boden, Otis, Hannah and Gabriel

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June 16th, 2020
Gabby's POV: As I take a rest in bed, I can't help but dream of the triplet we lost. The baby boy we decided to name Gabriel after both me and the Angel. I believed that if we named him after the angel Gabriel, he would come down and bring him to heaven where all the people we love and have passed would take care of him for us. And that is exactly what is happening per the most recent dream visit I had last night. I had 4 special visitors...people who died and we loved.

The first one to visit me was Shay, my former Ambo partner and sister. "Gabby" She said, waking me up from my dream. Looking at her, I was shocked. "Shay, you're an angel." She nodded and agreed with me. "And I come with guests." Boden and Otis then appeared. "Gabby, how are you doing?" I looked at my former Chief and just sighed. "I am doing as good as possible under the circumstances. But wait, what are you guys doing here? Aren't you all dead?" They agreed.

Otis then spoke up. "But, you aren't without us. Gabby, we are here to tell you and Matt that we are with your kids." That's when I saw somebody I never knew. "Yes, and boy is my niece adorable. How is my twin doing anyways?" Looking at her, I smiled because I knew what that meant. Our baby boy had a piece of Matt with him in heaven in the form of his late twin sister. God, that was great. "He's still mourning our baby boy. Please take care of him for us."

Hannah agreed when I said that and nodded. "I will do anything for my brother and my nephew. What's his name?" That's when I saw him come forward in the form of a little boy (probably Louie's age). "My name is Gabriel aunt Hannah." Hannah then looked at him and went to grab his hand. I just admired the sight of our son. He looked just like Matt...heck he looked like Antonio a bit too when he was younger. It made me cry to see him because he was adorable.

"You know that mommy misses you and wishes that she could've met you every day right buddy?" He agreed and nodded when I said that. "Auntie Shay has been telling me a bunch of stories about you in the Ambulance. And Boden and Otis have been telling me a bunch of stories about you and daddy being a firefighter. I'm going to watch out for him mommy. I know you are really scared whenever he goes out on a run. Just know that I am there with him forever."

I smiled when he said that. "Mommy wishes she could hug you Gabriel." Gabriel nodded when he said that. "When you hug my brother, just think of me and you will be hugging me mommy. Me and MJ are one and the same. We are identical triplets...that means you are always going to have a piece of me in MJ and in your heart. I love you mommy, I always will and we will see each other again someday." I agreed and nodded when he said that. "I can't wait buddy."

He agreed with me. "Let's just hope that I don't meet daddy for a while. Sorry but, he needs to be there with you and my siblings. Oh and just to let you know, Hannah is going to be more like a tomboy than a girly girl unfortunately." I was shocked when he said that. "You can see the future?" He nodded and smiled. "How do you think I am going to watch over them and make sure that they are safe? By the way, get daddy ready for a COVID death ahead of time."

I then got scared. "Please, not me." He shook his head when I asked him that. "No, his great aunt Edwina. Whoever that is." I agreed and nodded. "We'll see if that happens. I love you all. Boden and Shay, I miss you guys and wish you could meet the twins. Sorry Gabriel, that's what we call them now." He agreed and understood. "Of course." Boden then looked at me. "If they are anything like you and Matt, they are going to make it through this...you are fighters."

I nodded when they said that. "I love you all."

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