Chapter 401

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Matt's POV: After having a nice lunch with Louie, I smiled as we made our way home. Looking at him in the rear-view mirror, I laughed when I saw that he fell asleep in his car seat. "Looks like our plans to cuddle as a family just hit a snag." That's when I heard Gabby call me. Answering on Bluetooth, I smiled. "Hey." Gabby then went to speak. "You on your way home?" I agreed. "Yeah, we ended up eating a Molly's because we ran into Jay and Erin. They send their best wishes and hope that everything goes great during the twins' first few days home with us both."

Gabby liked the sound of that. "Honestly, that is so sweet of them. But listen, how about you make your way home and then come join me in bed. I don't think we've been able to just hold each other close comfortable for a while." I agreed with her when she said that. "Yeah, it's been a while. You know what else we haven't done in almost 6 months?" Gabby then laughed when I said that. "Yeah, in your dreams Matt. We are not going that far when I am still sore and when we have our two little twins in our room. You really want your daughter to hear that?"

I laughed when she said that and shook my head. "Believe me, that is a picture I do not even want to think about. And please never use the S-E-X word and your daughter or even her name in the same sentence for a while...I am not ready to think about little Hannah dating, let alone her having S-E-X with a boy." Gabby agreed with me. "How about instead of spelling we call it adult fun?" I agreed with her when she said that. "That works for me." Turning towards home, I smiled. "However, I would love to have adult fun with you in another room like the shower."

Gabby liked the sound of that too. "I haven't really washed off the hospital smell and sweat have I? However, I think I might need some intimate help from a certain someone." I laughed when she said that. "Yeah, because our little guy is going to want to do that." Gabby then just snorted. "I am talking about the other little guy that gives me a bunch of pleasure." I was offended when she said that. "Little guy! Oh, we are so taking a shower so that I can show you just how big my little guy actually is." Gabby laughed when I said that. "Get your mom and sister gone first."

I sighed when she said that. "Why didn't you text me that they were there? I would've came home and be with them." Gabby understood. "But you were having quality time with Louie." I then went to turn into our neighborhood and agreed. "I guess you are right. Anyways, he is asleep now. Can you get his PJs out? I am sure that he is going to stay asleep in his bed for a while. He got his energy out by talking to Jay and Erin. God, his imagination is really big now." Gabby laughed when I said that. "Exactly why we need to be careful with what we say."

I understood what she meant when I went to pull into the driveway. "Hey, I'm home. Talk in a minute." She agreed and went to hang up while I shut off the car. Going to get out of our van, I went to open Louie's door and just went to rub his cheek. "Hey bud." Louie then looked at me and was grumpy. "Daddy..." I then went to unbuckle him and sighed as I went to pick him up. "Don't worry but, we are going to just bring you inside and then you can go back to sleep okay?" Louie agreed with me when I said that. Locking the van, I carried him inside in my arms. 

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