Chapter 377

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Industrial Fire - Blue Island and Levitt
Matt's POV: As we arrived at the scene of our first fire as Firehouse 71, I looked at my team on Truck 81. "Mouch...raise the aerial! Gallo, get the hoses out and lay them out. Stella, prepare connection to Engine 51 and Truck 71." She agreed and nodded. "Got it Chief." They then all ran away when I went to radio to Grissom. "Grissom, Truck 81 has arrived at Blue Island and Levitt. Proceeding with fire protocol. Do we have anybody in the building?" He then went to radio back to me. "Not yet, want to start a search?" I was about to say no when I saw Severide arrive in Squad 3 with Adams. "Squad 3 just arrived on scene. I will get them to start Grissom!"

Grissom agreed with me. "You take control of that side with your house. We have a house on all sides." That's when I heard Chief Patterson speak to me. "Casey, we have the side to your left. Can you park one of your ambos with me and the other on the other corner?" I then thought about it when Chief Hatcher spoke up. "Attention all Battalion Chiefs! This is Chief Hatcher. I am on scene and will be in charge of all ambulances. Please concentrate on the fires." I agreed with him. "Roger that Chief Hatcher. Ambos 61 and 71, do you copy?" Sylvie then spoke to me. "Loud and clear chiefs Casey and Hatcher." I agreed and nodded when I saw the aerial going up.

That's when Delaney spoke to me. "We are on route now Chief Casey. Sorry for the delay!" I understood. "Take right side of building Delaney!" He agreed with me. "Sure thing Casey!" I then went to stop speaking to him and went to concentrate on what was going on. Seeing that the aerial was raised and the hoses were out, I went to get orders from Grissom. "Grissom, Truck 81 is all prepared and ready to put water onto the fire. Let me know when." He agreed when I said that. "Copy Chief Casey. Please proceed with caution if you decide to start prior to me giving the all clear." I agreed with him when he said that and nodded. "Sure thing Grissom!"

That's when I got a call from Severide. "Chief, we are in building...I repeat we have started search of building." I agreed when he said that. "Severide, you have until one of us says that the smoke is turning black. The minute that happens, you are to evacuate. Delaney, you have permission to order evacuation if you see black smoke from your side of the building!" Delaney agreed with me. "Roger that Chief Casey." I then listened to the radio to see what was happening. That's when I heard dispatch try to reach us. "Dispatch to Commercial District Fire. Please be advised that I have just learned there are tenants inside the offices. Top floor, left side." I agreed when she said that top me. "Roger that Dispatch. Severide, did you heard the location?"

Severide agreed. "Roger that Chief, Squad 3 is going to search the offices right now!" I agreed when he said that. "What floor are you on right now Severide?" Severide then went to speak to me. "Second floor chief. It's pretty bad up here. You may need to get hoses in the building. A lot of walls in here. Looks more like a commercial office building." I agreed when he said that. "Firehouse 71, get the houses out of all Engines and Trucks. Connect them and move your trucks and engines closer so that we can go in with the hoses if required. Grissom, can you get us another house as backup? At least 2 trucks and engines!" He agreed when I said that.

"Attention all Fire Battalions near Blue Island and Levitt. Redirect equipment to Commercial Fire if possible." I agreed with him when he said that when I heard Patterson radio on. "Chief Patterson and House 90 en route Commissioner. Where you need us Chief Casey?" I then thought about it. "Can you connect you take care of surrounding buildings if the fire jumps? Firehouse 71 will take care of main fire." He agreed with me "Roger that Chief Casey." I then went to watch what was happening when I heard Severide speak to me. "Chief, this floor is clear...proceeding up to..." That's when Delaney interrupted him.

"Smoke is turning grey Severide, please be advised that this is a warning. I repeat, Grey!" I agreed with him when I saw the Grey smoke come out. "Severide, you have 5 minutes. If you do not think you have time to come back down after doing a search, then stand down and come down!" Severide then sighed. "Chief, we are..." I then went to yell at him. "Lt. Severide! I said stand down! Either get out now or be demoted once again!" Grissom agreed with me when I said that. "Yes, and kiss any promotion you might get goodbye Lt. Severide. I heard about your rescue and you are being considered!" He then (reluctantly) agreed with us both.

"Squad 3, pull back and evacuate!" I agreed when he said that and just let him and his crew evacuate. That's when I saw some people come out. "Ambos, get people on my side. People are evacuating!" They agreed with me. "On it Chief!" I then went to watch as they got close. That's when I saw a massive influx of people coming out. I then went to talk to Hatcher. "Hatcher, you might want to get more Ambos and Start Triage here at the site!" He agreed with me when he saw the influx of people coming out. "Agreed. Ambo 61, act as triage!' They agreed when he said that. "Ambo 71, prepare to leave ASAP. Ambo 81, please park near triage. Ambo 87, park near triage. Ambo 85, park near triage." They all agreed with Hatcher when he said that. "Roger!"

That's when I saw somebody I never expected to see again...the pervert who took pictures of my wife while she was naked in the shower, Nate Isaacs taking pictures again. Walking over to him, I got pissed. "GET THE FUCK OFF MY SCENE!" Walking over to him, I went to repeat myself. "I SAID GET THE FUCK OFF MY SCENE!" He then turned to look at me. "No way man, you can't stop me from doing this. It's my job and last time I checked, you were a public employee!" I then walked up to him and shook my head. "You don't recognize me do you?" He then looked at me and shook his head. "Just another firefighter who's salary I pay. Now get back to work and..." I then went to punch him hard, still hating him.

That's when Commissioner Grissom walked over to me. "CASEY! You want me to..." I then turned to look at him. "You don't remember this guy?" He then looked at me when I said that. "You know him?" I nodded when he asked me that. "He took pictures of my wife NAKED in the SHOWER while he was playing PEEPING TOM at Firehouse 51 after my water rescue!" I then looked at him. "So, like I just said....GET THE FUCK OFF MY SCENE!" Grissom then looked at me. "That true?" I nodded when he said that. "Sorry Grissom but if he's here...I'll be distracted."

He agreed with me when I said that. That's when I heard CPD arrive on scene. It was Antonio and Jay since they were the ones assigned to my house. "What's up here Casey?" I then looked at him and smirked. "Grissom, let the cops take care of this." He agreed and nodded, knowing Antonio was my brother-in-law. I then went to walk up to him and smirked. "Remember that whole peeping tom incident at Firehouse 51?" Antonio then turned to look at me and nodded. "Yeah, it involved Gabby." I then smirked and looked at him. "Have fun." He then looked at me.

"Wait, this is the pervert." I nodded as I went to slap his back and just walked away to control my scene again. "Like I said, have fun and give him a black eye for me." Antonio nodded and agreed as he went to deal with the pervert that took pictures of Gabby naked in the shower. Meanwhile, I just walked away to my crew when I went to check on them. "House 71, give me a report!" They all agreed and did as they were told. "We are on the last floors Chief." I then got furious when he said that. "Lt. Severide, are you still in the building?!?" I then got mad at him. Severide agreed.

I then just shook my head. "Cruz, you are acting Lieutenant for this fire effective immediately. Get the Squad out of there!" Severide then went to protest. "But chief..." I then went to speak to him. "Would you like me to make it for the shift LT. SEVERIDE!" Severide then got scared when Cruz told them to get out. "Squad 3, pull back." I agreed when he said that before looking at Hermann and the other truck Lieutenants. "The minute he is out of there, I want you to start spraying water." They all agreed and nodded as they waited for Severide to get out.

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