Chapter 350

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An hour later, at the beach:
Matt's POV:
After making our way to the beach with Jay & Erin (and picking up some Subway on the way), I smiled because I was currently in the midst of sitting in the sand with Gabby and Louie. Laying down on the towel with Gabby on my chest, I smiled because I was now rubbing her stomach after just eating lunch. That's when I decided to kiss Gabby's forehead as we held each other close. "Okay, now this is the life. Having you on my chest while we watch our son play in the sand from a distance." Gabby smiled when I said that. "Yeah, this is the life isn't it?"

Going to grab my sandwich, I smiled while eating lunch. That's when I started to see that my sandwich was gone. Looking around. "Did you eat my sandwich babe?" Gabby then looked around. "No, why?" That's when I saw Jay and Erin's dog Champ with my sandwich. "Let me up babe." She then looked at me confused. "Why?" I then pointed to Champ. "Oh, that's where it went." I nodded. "I am going to get Jay's sandwich." Gabby laughed and agreed with me when I said that. Getting up, I went to walk over to Jay and Erin...I was glad he got the same sandwich.

Going to grab the subway bag on his chair, I looked at him and went to grab it. "Hey man! What are you doing?" I then looked at him. "I am at least taking half of your sandwich. Champ over there snatched the other half of my sandwich! I was still hungry." Jay nodded and agreed with me. "I'm sorry man. He was taught not to do that." I nodded and agreed before going to take a bite of my new sandwich, liking the taste. "Just be glad you got the same sandwich as me." Jay laughed and agreed with me when I said that. However, Gabby wasn't happy. "That was rude."

I then smiled and nodded. "I know but, I was not impressed. That dog was trained better." Gabby was confused when I said that. "And how do you know that?" I then laughed. "He's a service dog Gabby....they are trained not to do this." I then went to take another bite of my sandwich. Getting back on the sand with Gabby, I smiled while grabbing my arm around her. "You enjoying the day at the beach so far?" Gabby nodded and smiled when I asked her that. "Especially considering I might have invited some other people." I then looked at her. "Do you mind if I ask who these other people might be?"

That's when I heard Severide walk over to me. "Hey man, hope you don't mind if I come celebrate the new house with you guys?" I then looked at him. "Where's Stella?" Severide then laughed. "She's doing wedding stuff. I told her that she can have my check book and pick it all if I don't have to do it." I laughed when he said that. "You realize how expensive a wedding is right?" Severide then went to set his chair up and looked at Louie. "Come here little man and come sit with uncle Kelly!" Louie nodded and agreed as he went to sit in Kelly's lap.

I smiled when he did that. "You like sitting with your uncle Kelly eh buddy?" Louie nodded and smiled as he sat in his lap. "He's comfortable." I smiled when he said that. "Like a pillow or a blanket?" Louie nodded and just went to cuddle up to him more. Wrapping his arm around Louie, Severide smiled. "Wait, this safe with COVID?" Gabby then looked at me. "I think we have to make exceptions for some of our friends. I mean, you only see Stella and us really." Kelly nodded and agreed as he went to kiss Louie's forehead. "Someone comfortable?"

Louie nodded when Kelly said that and smiled. "You need to workout less though because you are starting to get less comfortable." Severide laughed when he said that. "Not happening bud, that's what my girlfriend likes the most about me." Gabby then went to look at him. "Okay, you know that's not true Kelly. She loves you because of who you are...a caring, loving man who loves kids. Shay would be so proud and happy for you that you finally found someone." Kelly nodded when Gabby said that. "You think about her a lot still?"

Gabby sighed and nodded. "Yeah, I think about her whenever I think about our kids. I think about how I would want her to be aunt Shay to them and stuff. How we would have shopping trips with our daughter and stuff." Moving to rub Gabby's back as she rolled over and cuddled up to me more, I sighed and went to kiss her forehead when Jay and Erin looked at us. "Listen, we are going to go in the water. Want us to take Louie with us?" 

Turning to look at Jay and Erin when they asked us that, I smiled

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Turning to look at Jay and Erin when they asked us that, I smiled. "Just make sure that you keep an eye on him and that Champ doesn't hurt him." Gabby then looked at me and bit her lip. "Can you go with them Matt? I'm sorry guys but...I am still in a place where I am weary about who takes Louie into the water." I nodded and understood her position before going to kiss her head. Kelly then looked at us. "Here, I got a football. Want to play catch?" Jay nodded and agreed. "Yeah! We can talk about the Bears." I smiled when he said that. "Gabby can I get up?"

Gabby nodded and agreed as she went to let me up. I then smiled at Louie. "C'mon buddy, let's go play catch with uncle Severide and uncle Jay." He nodded and agreed with me when I said that, running ahead of me into the water when Gabby looked at me. "Matt, his life jacket." I nodded and agreed, going to grab it. "Louie, come here!" Louie then turned around and nodded as he walked over to me. I then went to bend down put his life jacket on. "There, now we can go into the water." Louie nodded and agreed as he went to run into the water again.

Jay's POV:
When I saw how good of a handle Matt had on Louie, I turned to look at Erin and just laughed. "I am going to talk to Matt about that." Gabby then looked at me when I said that. "What are you talking about?" I then looked at her. "How he has control over Louie that way." Gabby laughed when I said that and nodded while I went to look at Champ and grabbing his ball. "C'mon Champ, let's go run in the water." Grabbing the ball thrower, I smiled while walking away to join the guys in playing football. But first, I went to throw the ball into the water.

Champ ran after it right away as I made my way into the water next to Matt to talk to him. "Okay, you have to tell me your secret when it comes to controlling kids. I mean, I am going to have twins soon and how did you get Louie to just listen to you?"  Matt then laughed when I said that. "It's different between me and Louie than it'll be with your kids. Me, I had to earn his trust...heck I still feel like I am earning his trust. For you, it's going to be different with your twins considering they are already going to trust you from birth. But me, you just remind them you're the boss."

That's when Gabby yelled at Matt. "THAT YOU'RE THE BOSS?!?" Matt then turned to look at her. "Sorry, my bad...that MOMMY'S THE BOSS!" Gabby nodded when he said that. "You better remember that. Remember, I can still change my mind of having a 4th kid. I may have been the one who brought it up but I can always change my mind." Matt nodded and agreed. Meanwhile, I went to look at him. "You guys are talking about having a 4th kid when you haven't even given birth yet?" Matt sighed when I said that. 

"Don't tell Antonio but yes. It's because we lost a triplet." I nodded when he said that. "That makes sense." I then went to grab the ball that Champ just brought back and went to throw it again. However, my aim was not the best and it (unfortunately, by complete accident) hit Louie in the head. Matt just stared at me when I did that. "What the hell man!" He then went to walk away so that he could go get Louie out of the water.

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