Chapter 408

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Matt's POV: After finishing our conversation with Gabby's sister Sofia and eating a snack, I smiled because I was now in the middle of laying down in bed having some skin-to-skin contact with my baby girl Hannah. And boy was my baby girl adorable. "Now just remember this you beautiful baby girl...if any boy tries to flirt with you, you tell daddy and he is going to make sure that they do not get anywhere near you. No dating until you are at least in high school little miss." Gabby then laughed as she came out in her underwear and one of my t-shirts.

"Yeah, because she is going to tell you if she is interested in boys." I then looked at her and smiled. "Considering she is my little girl...she better tell me if she is interested in boys. I do not want a boy to ever take advantage of hurt any of my girls. By the way, did I ever tell you who I ran into on one of my calls a couple months ago?" Gabby then looked at me. "No, I must've forgotten." I then sighed. "Nate Isaacs." Gabby then looked at me. "Matt, you are going to have to be more specific...I have about a hundred give or take since I left Chicago to go to Puerto Rico."

I then sighed and looked at her. "Shower photographer." Gabby then looked at me when I said that. "Shit, that must've been horrible." I then sighed. "Antonio was there of course and let's just say that he was not very happy with what he did to you." Gabby nodded and understood. "Let me guess, he arrested him?" I nodded. "He said he was going to find something." Gabby smiled when I said that before going to get in bed with me. She then went to look at Hannah and smiled. "You would be okay with just these two twins right?" I then looked at her and nodded.

"Yeah, why?" Gabby then sighed. "While I was in the hospital, I asked about getting my tubes tied. I did it behind your back. I'm sorry...I know that was not a good idea but, I was already there and..." I then went to stop her and grabbed her hand. "Gabby, I know we said that we would go for a third baby but...I think we are okay with Louie and the twins. And honestly...I am scared to have another baby." Gabby was a bit confused when I said that. "Why are you scared babe?" I then sighed and looked at her. "Our first experience and second experiences."

Gabby then nodded and understood as she decided to get close to me. Cuddling up to me, she smiled while looking at Hannah. "Hi baby girl. You happy to be home?" Gabby then went to rub  her back and tickled her a bit. Smiling when she did that, I went to wrap my arm around Gabby before kissing her head. "You know that I love you like crazy. Just think about how crazy our life has been over the past 7 months." Gabby laughed when I said that and agreed with me. "Let's see....I came back for a visit, got pregnant, moved back, we learned it was triplets, lost one..." 

I nodded when she said that. "We know the rest but still, what a crazy right to get our dream life." Gabby smiled and agreed with me, going to kiss me softly. That's when I got a text. I groaned and went to reach over for my phone. That's when I saw it was Severide. 'What do you think of June 26th, 2021?' I was confused when he said that. "Gabby, I need to call Severide okay? He just texted me something that I have no idea what he is referring to." Gabby nodded when I said that. "Put it on speaker. I want to talk to him too." I nodded and agreed with her.

Going to call Severide, I hoped he would answer. "Hey Casey, how are you guys? Didn't know if I could call you guys. How's the hospital?" I laughed when he asked me that. "The hospital's pretty nice but we are home now. Now...what's this about June 26th, 2021?" Severide then laughed when I said that. "That's the date that me and Stella have in mind for our wedding." Gabby turned to look at me when he said that. "Wow, that's crazy. You guys would be getting married in a year." He agreed. "Of course, subject to postponement. BTW you're my best man!"

I then sighed. "Let's see who Stella picks as a maid-of-honor first okay? I am not walking any other woman other than Gabby down the aisle." I then went to grab Gabby's hand and smiled at her. Leaning over me, she went to kiss me softly. She then whispered to me. "How about you put Hannah in bed? I have missed you and want to hold you close to me without possibly squishing her." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. I then went to put my phone down on my side table before getting up to carry Hannah to her crib. Laying her down, I smiled while covering her up with the little blanket we have in there for her.

That's when I turned around and went to make my way back to bed when I heard Stella on the phone. "Matt, Severide just talked to me. He mentioned something about you needing to know who my maid-of-honor was going to be?" I nodded. "Yeah, have you picked who it's going to be?" Stella laughed when I said that. "Like it's going to be anybody but my girl!" I smiled when she said that. "Then yes Severide, I will be your best man." Severide loved the sound of that. "Good, now I don't expect you to plan me a bachelor party but..."

I laughed when he said that. "Oh believe me, I am going to be giving you a great bachelor party. Then you can return the favor for me when me and Gabby have our vow renewal." Gabby then looked at me when I said that. "What?" I then smiled. "We can talk about it after okay? But don't worry. It's not because I don't believe your's because you deserve a real wedding with the gown and everything." Gabby smiled and agreed with me. "Okay." I then smiled when she said that before going to continue our conversation with Stella and Severide.

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