Chapter 433

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Matt's POV: After driving to Antonio's place, I went to park the car before seeing Antonio getting Louie's car seat out of his car. "Back away, I am going to do it so that you don't ruin something else today." I then went to push him away so that he wouldn't wreck Louie's car seat. "What's your problem?" I then turned to look at him and just laughed. "Wow, you really have to ask that question?" Antonio then looked at me. "First, calm down with your tone!" I just looked at him when he said that. "Oh, I'm sorry...I didn't know that I didn't have the right to be mad at you! Your father was not on the list of people we agreed for Louie to see. We said, you, Christie, Violet, Eva and Diego. Nowhere on that list were your parents!" 

Antonio stared at me when I said that. "Okay, take a breather and just calm down." I looked at him and just shook my head. "CALM DOWN! DID YOU JUST TELL ME TO CALM DOWN? You could have exposed Louie to COVID and you are putting our dream of him being our son forever at risk. Antonio, your dad is not the most careful person when it comes to being safe. Antonio, I am going to tell you this...Louie is MY SON, Gabby is MY WIFE and the twins are MY KIDS. If you exposed Louie, you just lost my trust and you are not going to come anywhere near them. The same goes to Christie. Heck, I should bring my niece with me so that they aren't exposed to COVID because of your carelessness! Think of Gabby!"

Taking Louie's car seat out of Antonio's car, I remembered that we have one. "Wait, why are you taking this our of your car? This is yours." Antonio then remembered that. "Right." I then went to give it to him before walking away to the front door. "Hey, we were talking. Where are you going?" I just looked at him. "To get my son." Walking over to the front door of the home he shared with Christie, I went to walk in. "Louie!" Louie then looked at me from the living room. "Daddy!" He then got up and ran over to me. Smiling, I went to bend down and picked him up in my arms. "Hey little guy, what do you think of coming home?" I then went to kiss his forehead when I saw my sister walk over to me. "Matt?"

I just looked at Christie and shook my head. "How could you Christie? How could you go along with it? You know how much Louie means to me and Gabby. You could've called me and told me what Antonio's plans were. You had no right to let my father-in-law into the house without consulting us first. Louie is our son...not yours." Christie sighed and looked at me. "Matt, you are just mad. Let him stay like he wants and go home to Gabby." I looked at her when she said that. "Heck, I should bring Violet with me. You have no right to be a guardian right now if you think it's a good idea to expose your nephew to COVID!"

Antonio just looked at me. "Louie, you can tell your daddy you want to stay if you want to." I then looked at him. "No, he can't. He is our son and you have no right to tell him that. When it comes to his health...we are the ones responsible for him. Your right to see your nephew is dependent on our relationship. Just because he is your nephew doesn't give you automatic rights to him. In fact, I don't even know why I am talking to you because I can't stand to look at you. You of all people should know that we need to stay safe during the pandemic. You really think we need this right now when we just spent 2 months in the hospital with the twins?!?"

Antonio looked at me when I said that. "The twins will be..." I just stared at him. "They still have a compromised immune system. You better pray that they are okay when we are home." I then went to grab Louie's bag and put it over my shoulder. Going to kiss Louie's head. "How about you say bye to uncle Antonio and then we can go home to mommy bud?" Louie nodded when I said that. "Bye uncle Tonio. Bye aunt Christie." I then went to kiss his head again while walking out of the house so that I could make our way to the van. 

Putting Louie in his car seat (I already opened the van door with the keys), I went to set his bag down at his feet before buckling him up. That's when I heard Antonio behind me. "Matt, just calm down and talk to me." Turning around to look at him, I went to close Louie's door. "First, you back up a bit." Antonio then sighed and agreed with me. "You have seen how bad it is on TV. You saw how Gabby was in the NICU. You really want her to have to do that with Louie? You think she is happy about this? She was fully co-operative with me when I said I was doing this."

Going to walk around the van to drive Louie home, I just shook my head before going to get in the driver's seat. Looking up in the mirror, I smiled at him. "What do you say we go get some Chicken Nuggets for supper buddy?" Louie looked at me when I said that. "Daddy, am I in trouble? Is that why I go home?" I sighed when he said that. "No buddy, it's complicated and something you don't have to worry about. It's about that big sickness that's going around." Louie nodded when I said that.

Unfortunately, Louie will never be understand the true gravity of the situation we are currently under. God, he must be so confused around it all...why I am mad at his uncle Antonio and aunt Christie, why he can't see them whenever he wants....why he is stuck at home so much. I just hope that some McDonald's can get him to calm down and not ask too many questions.

NOTE: I am going to check in with Jay and Erin while Matt drives home. (And I might stay with them and a few special guests for a while).

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