Chapter 358

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Matt's POV: After taking it slow with Gabby in bed for a while, I smiled because I saw her sleeping on my chest when Louie walked into our room after taking a nap. "Daddy?" I then went to look at him and smiled. "Hey bud, you want to come join us in bed?" Louie nodded when I asked him that before coming to climb onto the bed so that I could hold him just like I was holding Gabby. Unfortunately, him climbing into bed seemed to have woken Gabby up. "Matt, I'm tired."

I smiled when she said that before turning to look at her. "Unfortunately, I wasn't the one who woke you up. If you are looking for someone to blame for waking you up...look no further than Louie." Louie then smiled as he came to lay down on my chest. "Sorry for waking you up mama." Gabby smiled when he said that before going to grab his hand. "It's okay. I am just tired right now. Did you have a good nap in your new bedroom?" Louie nodded as he cuddled up to me.

Kissing the top of his head, I smiled as I wrapped my arm around him and just held him close to me. "You like your new home bud?" Louie nodded and agreed, smiling when I asked him that. "It's so cool living on top of fire trucks. Think I could go ride on them sometime daddy?" I then smiled when he said that. "Maybe someday in the future but not right now okay bud? Right now, we need to keep them nice and clean for my firefighters who are starting work tomorrow."

Louie nodded when I said that. "And about that know how daddy is chief right?" Louie nodded when I asked him that. "Well that means that I am going to be working. You need to stay with mommy all day. You can't come running downstairs if you want to see me whenever you want. You have to ask mommy and maybe she can bring your downstairs. It's not safe for you to be downstairs right now. Do you remember why we have to wear masks everywhere?"

Louie nodded again when I asked him that. "Something called COVID." I agreed with him. "Yes, and there are going to be a lot of people here tomorrow to work. They are going to be wearing masks but...I still don't want you coming downstairs okay? It's not safe. Anyways, it's not going to be fun down there. You are just going to be watching your daddy yell at people and telling them what to do. Not that fun." Louie laughed when I said that and agreed. "Yeah, not fun." 

Turning to look at Gabby, I smiled as I went to rub her cheek. "If you are tired, I can take him out for a bit?" Gabby shook her head when I said that. "No, I want you guys to stay right here. I like seeing you both here right now and there is nowhere I would rather have you guys. However, you can keep him here with me and go start supper since that is going to be soon right?" I nodded and agreed with her. "Or we can order from Molly's to support it. I need rest today just like you anyways remember? Big day tomorrow full of work." Gabby smiled when I said that.

Gabby smiled when I said that and agreed with me. "Yeah, maybe order some Molly's for us and ask Hermann to come. That way he can see the house once." I nodded when she said that. "I can give him a tour and talk to him about what we are going to do tomorrow. At least that way I have less work to do. Do you mind if I do that? I know I promised family time right now but...the faster I get that stuff done, the more time I can spend with the two of you before 24 hour shift."

Gabby nodded when I said that and agreed with me. "That sounds perfect. Grab your phone, make our normal order and then tell Hermann to meet you in the garage. Tell him to keep it in the warm bag and only take it out when you are ready to come upstairs." I nodded and agreed with her, going to grab my phone so that I could call Molly's and give Hermann my order. That's the benefit of co-owning a restaurant that does take never have to pay for it.

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