Chapter 431

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Matt's POV: Once me and Gabby finished feeding the twins, I smiled as I ate my yogurt in bed and just held Gabriel on my chest. Kissing his head as he cuddled up to me, I couldn't help but smile because of how much he looked like the perfect mix of me and Gabby. He had my soft skin but was in between us when it came to skin color, his lips looked more like Gabby's but his nose as all me. However, our little girl was the complete opposite...she had more of my skin color compared to Gabby's but...she still looked a lot like her so that didn't worry me that much.

Looking at me as she saw me admiring out kids, Gabby smiled at me. "You are just taking in the sight of Gabriel on your chest aren't you?" I nodded and smiled at her. "And I am also thinking about who he looks like. However, I think he is the perfect mix of the box of us." Gabby nodded when I said that and smiled at me. "Definitely, that sounds perfect." Going to lean over Gabby, I smiled as I went to kiss her softly. "Have I told you that this is a dream come true for me. Honestly babe, I never...ever thought this would be our reality." Gabby nodded and smiled.

That's when I got another phone call. Checking who it was, I smiled when I saw it was the Chicago Bears Ticket Office. "Hello, Matthew Casey speaking." The Bears then went to speak to me. "Hello Mr. Casey, this is the Chicago Bears Season Ticket Waitlist calling." I then smiled. "Let me guess, I finally am at the top?" They sighed when I said that. "Yes, you are but...we regret to inform you that the 2020 NFL Season will be held without fans in the stands. We would like to offer you the opportunity to either have a free season pass to NFL Game Pass or 2021 priority."

I then thought about it and smiled. "I will take the 2021 priority please. That would be amazing. Now, does that guarantee me a season ticket for the 2021 season?" The team agreed. "Yes, since you are giving up your tickets this year...they will just be delayed until next year."  I agreed with them. "Then I will please take the delay to the 2021 priority. Thanks." The Bears understood. "Of course, see you at Soldier Field in 2021 Mr. Casey." They then went to hang up and I just smiled. However, Gabby was confused. "What was that about with the Chicago Bears?"

I then turned to look at her and smiled. "I just got 2021 NFL Season Tickets for the Chicago Bears! I have to call Severide and tell him." Gabby then looked at me. "No, you have to call them back and see if you can get your money back. Babe, those are so expensive." I then looked at her and sighed. "Gabby, I have been on a waiting list for these tickets since 2005. Sorry but this is not something you get a say on when we weren't even together when I started the process to get these tickets." Gabby then looked at me. "Fine, but you are taking me and my dad to a game."

I looked at her when she said that. "I'm what now?" Gabby nodded. "He is your father-in-law and you are going to take him to a game. Also, we need to invite him over sometime so he can meet the babies." I then sighed when she said that. "He needs to quarantine." Gabby agreed with me when I said that when I heard a knock on the door. "Oh please don't tell me that's him." I then sighed and went to look at Gabriel. Picking him up, I went to lay him down on my pillow and then grabbed my mask from my side table. "He is not coming in to meet the twins."

Gabby agreed with me when I said that. Getting up, I went to leave the door while putting my mask on. Making my way to the door, I went to look in the peep hole to see it was Ramon. "Of course...he comes when I still feel tired!" Gabby laughed when I said that. "Sorry, you have to deal with him because I am breastfeeding." I nodded and agreed with her before going to open the door. "Ramon." Ramon then smiled at me. "Matthew, now where are those gorgeous grandkids of mine? I hear they are home." I sighed when he said that. "Not happening Ramon."

Ramon then looked at me when I said that. "Matthew, c'mon. I am allowed to meet my grandkids!" I sighed when he said that. "Come back with a negative COVID test and we will talk about you coming in." Ramon just looked at me, seemingly shocked. "Antonio didn't make me do that and I was just there to see him, his girlfriend and Louie. I mean, we are family. We don't have to wear masks around each other." I looked at him when he said that. "Were you mask-less in Antonio's house?" Ramon nodded. I just shook my head and went to close the door, furious.

Walking back over to the bedroom, I looked at her. "Call your brother, tell him to pack up Louie and tell him that I will be there in 10 minutes!" Gabby looked at me when I said that. "What?"

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