Chapter 368

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Matt's POV: After spending the past hour and a half speaking to my new officers as well as some of the staff who have medical issues, I came out to the apparatus floor to see Gabby there with the baby monitor. "Let me guess, Louie is taking a nap upstairs?" Gabby then turned to look at me, obviously not expecting to see me. "Matt." I then smiled as I went to walk over to her. "It's okay. People are being safe and I trust you." Gabby nodded when I said that and smiled at me.

Wrapping her arms around me, she smiled while looking up at me. I then went to kiss her softly and smiled. "Stella, can you get the truck out? We are going to do ladder drills. I want to see who's fastest getting up. That way, if we have to do calls with both Trucks...I can know which order people are to go up." Delaney then walked up to me and smiled. "I like that idea. However, what do you say we make it a competition? Fastest truck up gets to be in command first scene."

I sighed and shook my head when he said that. "I would rather not. Delaney, we need to work on getting the house to be a team...not put them against one another in a competition. Tomorrow we are going to be in the streets of Chicago possibly having to bring all of our equipment out. In fact, where are the paramedics?" That's when I saw them gossiping. "Sylvie! Foster!" Sylvie then turned to look at me. "Get your paramedic friends and do inventory. I want the same inventory to be available on all ambos. If one runs out, I want my other ambos have to extra supplies!"

Sylvie nodded when I said that and got up. "Sure thing Chief." The other paramedics all agreed with her and then went to walk away to their ambulances to do inventory. "Sylvie, you are senior Paramedic-in-Chief until further notice. All paramedics report to you..." That's when Gabby interrupted me. "Or, I can be the one they report to?" I then turned to look at Delaney. "Delaney, my wife used to be PIC at 51? Think we can have her as head of ambos here? She reports to me?" Delaney walked over to us and laughed. "You want to try new things here don't you Casey?"

I thought about it and nodded. "We are already merging two houses...that's already a lot of people to deal with. If I don't have to deal with the paramedics too...that might be helpful. I mean, I would still deal with them but...with Gabby's help. She would be our liaison to the paramedics. What do you think of that?" Gabby then turned to look  at him and smiled. He then laughed and agreed. "How can I say no to the Chief's wife?" I then smiled when he said that. "Only after your maternity leave is over are we going to consider it. I have to talk to Hatcher."

Gabby then looked at me. "Fine, we can do it on a trial basis. But you stay here and keep Louie safe. I still dispatch them and do stuff. You just do the reports and stuff." Gabby nodded when I said that. "Do I report to you?" I then laughed when she said that. "Yeah because I am going to make you report to me when I just report to you right afterwards." Gabby was confused when I said that. "You are my wife and the real boss here when it comes down to it." I then went to kiss her softly and smiled at her. "Listen, we can talk about it later. Go be safe with Louie."

Gabby nodded and agreed with me before going to kiss me softly. "Be safe. See you later." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. "Actually, send Louie down to me when he's done his nap. I am going to take the house to the Academy so that we can do some water drills. I want to practice a 1st Alarm Fire just in case." Delaney looked at me when I said that and nodded. "That sounds like a good idea. Gets them to practice working together in a real scenario instead of just here in the firehouse." I nodded and agreed with him. 

"I was actually thinking of activating our Ambos for the afternoon though. I mean, with COVID we should try and help no?" Delaney agreed with me when I said that. "How about you go talk to the paramedics and make the call to Chief Hatcher? I will go talk to the rest of the firehouse and tell them that we are going to break, eat lunch and then we are headed to the academy for some more drills that we can do with water and stuff." I nodded and agreed with him before looking at Gabby. "I will let you know when we are leaving if Louie isn't down here." Gabby then smiled.

"Can I come down and have lunch with you guys?" I thought about it and nodded. "But you sit with me and the people we know." Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "You okay with Louie coming to the academy?" Gabby nodded and smiled. "He'll have fun. You can let him watch the trucks work." I agreed and smiled. "Safely." Gabby smiled and agreed as she walked away. Meanwhile, I went to walk away to my office so that I could call Chief Hatcher and tell him that we are okay to activate our Ambos for the afternoon since they can work together easily. 

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