[❄️] - Prologue

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It was cold. Deathly cold as I sat on the snowy path.

Just minutes ago I was enjoying a cup of tea and some waffles. Now here I was in the middle of a cold icy mountain.

I pushed myself up off the ground. I was slightly dressed for the weather. A big fluffy red cloak hung over my shoulders. I lifted the hood up to hide my face and glanced around. There was a path leading forward, but it was hard to see things.

I slowly walked down the path. The cloak dragging behind me as I held my arms for warmth.

The snow wasn't too deep but I could hear grumbling up ahead.


"Mi guru-guru."

I tilted my head to the side in confusion. I could hear someone talking now.

I walked carefully trying not to make too much noise. Down the path, there were two separate ways. Sneaking over to a tree I peeked out.

Down the left path, there were... hilichurls??? 

A small gasp left my lip and they looked in my direction. I snapped back behind the tree and took in a breath.



I was in genshin?

My mind was absolutely blown.

Holy fuck.

Opening up my cloak I glanced at my outfit. It was a white long off the shoulders dress. I looked all over but unfortunately, there was no vision.

My heart sank slightly as I peeked back out at the hilichurls. No vision and no weapon.

I was absolutely fucked.

A small laugh left my lips and I dropped down into the snow.

How in hell was I going to get off this mountain.

Not only could I not stay in this spot for long I needed to find some source of heat before I froze to death.

But the question that bothered me the most was where in Genshin was I? Dragonspine? Snezhnaya?

Was there even another place with a winter like this?

I got up off the ground once again and brushed the snow off my cloak. I'd just have to go down the right path.

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