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"Baaaaaby I'm hungrrrrrryyyyyyy" Sapnap whined, Dream sighed "We'll be there soon, they said they're making dinner" Sapnap slumped in his seat and closed his eyes "Wake me up when we get there" Dream smiled, happy for the quiet "Sure thing"

Dream pulled up outside the grand house, nudging Sapnap "We're here" They got out of the car and walked up to the door, slow strides across the stone driveway "They do know I'm a guy, right?" Dream sucked in a breath and looked at Sapnap "Not exactly" 

Sapnap rolled his eyes and Dream reached forward to knock on the ornate white door which was pulled open almost immediately & revealing two very nicely dressed people "H-hi Mother, Father" Dream gave them a nod 

The woman was 5'8'' with shoulder length raven black hair, beautiful green eyes and was wearing minimal make-up, only some pale lipstick & a bit of mascara, wearing a long black dress

The woman was 5'8'' with shoulder length raven black hair, beautiful green eyes and was wearing minimal make-up, only some pale lipstick & a bit of mascara, wearing a long black dress

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The man was 6ft with close cropped brownish blonde hair, grayish blue eyes & wearing a charcoal black suit, I guess, blue tie & a gold watch

The man was 6ft with close cropped brownish blonde hair, grayish blue eyes & wearing a charcoal black suit, I guess, blue tie & a gold watch

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"Hello Dream" (Fuck you I don't use real names) his mother stepped aside to let them in, Dream took Sapnaps hand and lead him inside & his father closed the door behind them "Well, I'm Diane & this is my husband Keith" she said & Sapnap shook her hand "I'm Sapnap" Diane lead him to the dining room while Keith stayed back to talk to his son

"Uhh yes father?" Dream asked when Keith clapped a hand onto his shoulder "You never told us you were dating a male, why would you lie?" he had a slightly hurt look on his face "Well-ummm, I didn't think you'd approve"

A small smile planted itself upon his face "Well, I do, he seems perfect for you" Dream smiled as well "Thanks, Dad" "Right, lets get back to the dining room, I'm sure your mother is making a fuss over your partner"

Dream trailed behind his father, still grinning like it's christmas

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