💙Sap's got double daddy issues💔

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CW: The girls are foighting

A/N Haha, i'm not dead, take some more hastily thrown together shit

*insert something that leads to a fight*

"SHUT UP!" He shouted, curling his hands into fists at his sides "I'M SO FUCKING SICK OF YOU AND YOUR BULLSHIT"

""NO, YOU SHUT UP" The Brit retorted, a snarl creeping onto his face

"THIS WHY NO ONE, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE, ACTUALLY FUCKING LIKES YOU!" Sapnap replied, throwing his balled up fists into the air in a dramatic shrug-like gesture

"THAT IS WHY YOUR DAD LEFT" George snapped back

Sapnap froze in place, eyes staring straight at the ground like they were glued there as his mouth stayed slightly agape. George didn't fall victim to the same silence, clearing his throat and continuing the rant "Even your fucking DAD doesn't like you, that's why he left to join some stupid fucking egg cult... and if neither of your parents like you then that just makes you worthle-" He cut himself off, his own eyes widening in horror as he clamped his hands over his mouth in realisation of everything that he'd just said

"You... you know... but h-he loves me..." Sapnap whispered in a strangled tone, obviously on the verge of tears "Right..?"

It was now that George bit his tongue and looked away in shame, unable to speak for the ravenette's father in terms of the likely one-sided relationship that came from Sapnap himself and not his parental figure "I..."

Sapnap rapidly swung his head from side to side in denial, letting out little hiccupy sobs at random but fast paced intervals, slowly building up into an actual cry that escaped from deep in his throat as a heart-wrenching howling scream that seemed like a keening cry to the gods themselves, bringing his hands up to his head and gripping his tangled ebony hair in a raging fit whilst starting to shake. George shook himself off and started towards him, wrapping his arms around the boy and forcing him to crumple to the ground

He curled the both of them into a ball, hugging the ravenette as close to his chest as possible without potentially smothering him as he hunched over, resting his own chin just over Sapnap's head and folding his legs so that there was a place for the boy to sit "Shh... i'm sorry, i'm so so sorry- I shouldn't have said that" He muttered, feeling the instant blow of the overwhelming guilt and regret "I won't do that ever again, I promise, that was so damn stupid of me... I really shouldn't have done that, i'm a fucking idiot"

Sapnap began coughing, it was much better than the screaming crying but his voice was so hoarse that it was slightly hard to listen to without wincing, he let himself go limp and melted into George's arms with gasping breaths, gulping in as much air as possible at once. The brunette started to rub Sap's back, slowly moving the palm of his hand in wide circle as he murmured quietly to himself and the ravenette

"I love you, man, you know that..." He sighed "You're all that i've really got left... i'm so sorry, please, just forgive me... I can't lose you too, especially not over a dumb argument"

"Fuck you... I love you too, Gogs, j-just don't you ever bring up either one of my dads again or I will NEVER fucking forgive you, got it?"


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