❤️I'll stay up for you✨💔

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CW: Self-degrading thoughts (otherwise it's just a bit of tooth-rotting floof that I spent twenty minutes on)

A/N Don't mind me... i'm just out here working... working hard to please you bb gowrl/hj Also, Panda Sap and Demon Punz fyi

Not good enough

Not good enough

You'll never be good enough

A mix between a choked sob and a laugh escaped from his chapped lips as he hid his face in his hands, trying to muffle the cries so that his family, mostly just so his father, wouldn't wake up and walk in to check on him... the last thing he wanted was for his adoptive parent to try and console him, that would somehow just make it worse. He leaned back against the frame of his bed, as he was sitting on the floor, so that his neck wouldn't cramp quite so badly... when he heard footsteps quickly approaching his bedroom, he spun his head around to look towards his door at an inhuman speed as he curled his tail around his waist


The door slowly creaked open, allowing a sliver of pale yellow light to enter the room and illuminate a small figure standing there that was not, in fact, his father coming in to check on him "Punzo..?" They asked quietly, speaking in nothing more that a hushed whisper as to not wake BBH up in the middle of the night

"What do you want, Sap?" He grumbled in response but there was no anger behind the supposedly harsh words, his voice sounded hoarse and strained while it cracked like the thinnest of glass. Sapnap just awkwardly stood there for a while, one hand still gripping the handle to the door while the other tightly clutched a stuffed animal in the shape of a bee "You're not asleep" He finally replied, releasing the door handle so that he could fiddle with the hem of his shorts

"Yeah, well, neither are you" Punz snapped back, turning away so that the ravenette wouldn't see his dampened cheeks in hope that he would leave the room quickly. Sapnap practically ignored his brother's attempts to tempt him out of the bedroom, Punz sighed but secretly found his persistence pretty cute, the boy might not be the best at situational awareness but that just meant that he was always very determined

Sapnap didn't respond as he pushed the door shut again and shuffled over to the blonde, plopping down in the middle of his lap and wrapping his arms around the taller "I can't sleep, it's scary again" He mumbled, Punz turned back to look at him in surprise before the realisation washed over him "Oh... another nightmare?" He asked as he returned the hug, Sapnap nodded into the fabric of his shirt with a sniffle before raising his head "Why are YOU awake though?"

Punz looked away once again, taking a deep breath before trying to figure out how to approach this "I... had a nightmare of my own, while I was awake, it's a bit harder to explain"

Sapnap seemed quite confused for a moment as he asked another question "But you don't get scared... you said it! You said that you never ever get scared" Punz slowly shook his head as he returned his gaze to the ravenette's stormy grey eyes "That was a lie... we all get scared by certain things, Sap, and my nightmares know what I don't like"

"Huh... so do mine, they know that I don't like snow or spiders... Punz, what are YOU scared of?" He replied curiously, sitting back a bit so that he could be face to face with his older brother as he squeezed the bee plush with both arms. Punz froze to the spot, eyes widening... he couldn't possibly explain this to Sap, he couldn't just burden the boy like that... to do that would be cruel... so he was just going to have to water it down a bit

"Oh- I... I just... I feel sad sometimes and that can be pretty scary"

"But why are you sad? When I get sad, I go tell papa and he makes it all better! You should go tell him, he's sleeping but we can wake h-"

"No!" Punz interrupted, frantically shaking his head "I can't tell him because it'll make HIM sad, we don't want to make him sad as well now, do we?" Sapnap copied the movement with a frown of his own "No, I don't want him to be sad! I don't like feeling sad so he probably doesn't like feeling sad... but... I don't want you to be sad either"

"It's okay! It's really not that bad, i'll be just fine... you should probably be getting back to bed soon anyways"

"No" Sapnap retorted sassily, sticking his tongue out with indignation "I'm staying until you feel... not sad!"

A small smile crept onto the blonde's face as he subconsciously unfurled his tail, lightly tapping it against the ground in a wagging fashion "Well... if you INSIST... then I SUPPOSE that I have to let you stay"

The ravenette giggled happily, letting himself fall forwards again so that he could tuck his head under his brother's chin. Punz rolled his eyes with a light-hearted sigh "This isn't about me, is it? You just don't want to go back to bed" Sapnap shook his head "Nope, it's scary in there..." Punz gently shifted the boy in his arms around so that there wasn't a load of Sapnap's messy hair and fuzzy ears right in his face, instead, he was now cradling the ravenette like you would with an infant except Sap's feet were still resting on the ground beside the pair

Sapnap reached out and grabbed the stuffed bee that had been accidentally brushed aside by his brother, hugging it close to his chest once again with a muffled yawn as he shuffled around a bit so that his tail wasn't squashed "Hey, bud, what's your bee's name?" Punz asked softly, attempting to lull him into a dreamless rest so that he wouldn't be super cranky in the morning "I call him Nugget" Sapnap responded sleepily, obviously trying (and doing a poor job of) to mask it

"Nugget, huh? Nugget the bee, very good name, I do approve of it" Punz said with quiet praise, immediately falling silent when he saw Sap's eyelids quickly grow heavy and droop shut. After a solid minute or two, he was sure that the ravenette was fast asleep because of the snuffly snores that left his partly open mouth. His tired smile enlarged as he leaned down and planted a tiny kiss on the boy's forehead, unfolding his scaly white wings from his back and wrapping the appendages around the pair like a protective bubble to shield both of them from nightmares

"Goodnight, Sap" He whispered, the faint words barely leaving his lips, as he used his free hand to gently brush a thumb across the darkly blackened skin that surrounded the ravenette's left eye in resemblance to that of his kin animal "Sleep well.."

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