💚Running rings around you✨

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A/N I'm really feeding y'all with the wolfnap content

Sapnap was bouncing off of the walls, scampering around the house and crashing into things like somebody was chasing him with a knife, Dream kept trying to grab him and wrestle him to the floor but Sapnap would just wriggle out of his grasp before standing up and sprinting away with hysteric giggles "SAP, PLEASE, JUST STOP AND LISTEN TO ME" Dream pleaded "WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS!?"

Sapnap shrugged as he finally stopped moving for the first time in ten minutes "I just ate something that George gave me and now I feel like i'm ready to FIGHT THE SUN" Dream stopped dead "George did this..? Oh my fucking god, i'm going to find him and i'm going to bitch-slap him senseless" Sapnap laughed "Yeah, you go find him while I keep running around this house until I manage to set it on fire!"

Dream roughly grabbed his wrist and dragged him out of the house against his protesting whines, quickly locking the door so that Sap couldn't get back in before releasing him. Sapnap tenderly rubbed his wrist as he glared at Dream, letting out an almost inaudible whimper as he glanced around before bolting "SAP-" Dream said with a sigh before he started sprinting after the ravenette, trying to catch him before he got too far away, he'd been hoping that Sap would sit outside for a minute and just calm down but that obviously wasn't the case

Sapnap laughed as he ran, enjoying the feeling of wind brushing through his hair and ruffling the fur on his tail, sunshine washing across his soft pink cheeks as his tongue lolled out of the corner of his mouth

Dream started slowing as Sapnap looped back around and passed him, running in circles around the outside of the house while Dream just stood in front of the building and tried to grab him again, Sapnap giggled as he dropped into a roll and darted between Dream's legs before scrambling back up and continuing his rings around the house. Dream groaned as he slumped to the ground, hiding his face in his hands while Sapnap lightly tapped his head every time he ran past, Dream just gave up on trying to stop him since the boy already had seemingly infinite stamina and sugar just made him into a hyperactive ball of chaos

Dream looked up as somebody different walked over to him "Hey, big bro, what're you doing?" Drista asked, Dream sighed "George fed something to Sap and now I can't catch him... just wait, he'll loop back around the house eventually" Drista glanced over as the ravenette came barrelling around the corner and passed them in the blink of an eye before he was gone again "Why do you need him to stop?" Drista asked curiously "He's supposed to clean his goddamn bomb site of a bedroom" Dream replied

Drista snorted "Have you tried just asking him to stop?"

Dream nodded in defeat "I've tried asking, i've tried bribery, I even tried threatening but he won't listen to a single word I say"

Drista thought for a moment before speaking up "I could get him to stop" Dream let out a sharp bark of sarcastic laughter "I'd like to see you try" Drista grinned as she waited for Sapnap to run into her line of sight, she made sure that Sapnap could see her before clearing her throat "Sapnap, stop" She said firmly, Dream rolled his eyes as he waited for Sapnap to sprint right past her... yet, to his disbelief, Sapnap dug his heels into the grassy lawn and skidded to a stop in front of her "Drista! Hi, hello, when did you get here? Wanna hang out, we can play uno! Or maybe cluedo- or maybe we could play tag, I like tag!" He said, stumbling over his words as he spoke with boundless excitement

Dream's jaw dropped while Drista just smirked at him, practically radiating an aura of smugness before turning back to the hyperactive wolf boy "Alright, Sapnap, sit"

Sapnap gave her a confused look but hesitantly plopped down onto the ground, his tail excitedly wagging from side to side as he cycled through all the card and board games that they could play, completely ignoring Dream's surprised expression. Drista put her hands on her hips as she spun around to look at Dream, sticking her tongue out before laughing "Wha- HOW!?" Dream said in shock, Drista shrugged "I'm just cooler than you, too bad, so sad... so what did you want him to do?"

"Clean his room" Dream replied quietly, still in disbelief at how easily she got him to sit still, pay attention and actually DO something

Drista looked over her shoulder "Right, you heard him" She said, Sapnap groaned but stood up and headed back towards the house, smacking Dream in the face with his fluffy tail as he passed "Drista, please, teach me your power" He said desperately as soon as Sapnap was back inside, Drista shook her head "Uhh... nah, I think i'd rather not" She grinned innocently before turning and walking away


A/N Drista supremacy, DristaSMP, Drista best bedwars player

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