💚Sapnap's mask pt2💔

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CW: Violence

A/N Gonna make Nightmare's lines like this "text" (bold and italic in quote marks) while the others are just italic in quote marks like this "text" because yeah... also, they/it/(rarely) he Nightmare???

"I can't! I can't just go back to them or anyone... I literally KILLED my parents' object of fucking WORSHIP- and my friends... they'll never want me back... I mean, I wouldn't want me either but... I don't know"

"Then why go back..?"

"Then... why go back..?" Sapnap parroted thoughtfully "But if I-I don't go back... then... where will I go instead? My only home is in Kinoko or my parents' mansion and I definitely can't stay there"

"Neither of them, leave both... I know of a place where you can stay~"

"Tell me then, 'Nightmare', where is this mysterious place that you speak of?" He replied as he traced his fingers down the cool and smooth ceramic of the mask, still in partial shock from the whole ordeal with XD

"Just let me lead you there"

"And how the fuck do I do that? Why can't you just give me any fucking INFORMATION!?" Sapnap sap-snapped, feeling strangely angry despite his usually more laid-back personality... sure, he could get worked up at times but this was just uncalled for rage that appeared out of nowhere... maybe it was a side effect of the mask

"Let your mind go limp, just... sit back and i'll do the rest"

Sapnap sighed but let his stiffened muscles relax, trying to focus on his breathing instead of adjusting his body and... it managed to work. Suddenly, he felt like he was only partly in control of his movements, it seemed like somebody else was pulling on his strings like a puppeteer but he didn't resist it

"Perfect" Nightmare hissed as they moved Sapnap to his feet and got his legs moving in the right direction. Sapnap found it fascinating how the 'spirit' could just take control if they really tried, he knew that he could pretty easily take it back if he wanted to because the hold on his body just felt fragile

Once they'd arrived, Nightmare let go and left Sapnap to find his own way into the building, the ravenette scoured the landscape for an entrance until he stumbled upon a mossy arch hidden in the side of a small mountain that lead down into a spral staircase. Sapnap slowly walked down the stairs, a quiet thump echoing through the dead silent air with each step

After he'd made his way down the staircase, he looked around, only to find himself standing before a majestic fortress of twisting stone brick halls lined with moss "Woah..." He breathed, peering down each of the three different ways that he could go but they seemed almost endless, branching off into more hallways. Sapnap placed one hand on the wall and started off down the middle path, brushing his fingers against the moss and he dragged his hand along the chipped stone "What is this place?"

"This... this is the stronghold" Nightmare responded absentmindedly as they reminisced "This was my home before I-" They cut themselves off

"Before you what?" Sapnap asked curiously as he continued to wander, taking note of the layout in hopes of memorising the path he was taking just in case he needed to quickly get out

"Before I became a spirit, I lost my last life in a gamble with the devil in disguise..." Nightmare hissed, obviously seething with hatred "They trapped me in my most prized possession, an enchanted mask made out of the dragons motherfucking skull... the same mask that currently sits upon your pretty little face"

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