💚Experiments pt3✨

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"Sapnap, wake up! I have something to show you!"

"Hrmm?" He said as he opened one eye

"I know how we can get out, when they bring food in we can run past them, shut the door and lock them in"

"But how do we get out from there? Everything is locked by keycards and guarded" Sapnap asked "I can smash some of the locks on other cells with my horns to let other subjects out, it'll be chaotic and we can just slip out, find a secluded entrance then break the door down"

"I-i've tried something like that, it... didn't go well, it kinda got my wings fucked up"

"Well now there's two of us so it definitely has work, two idiots are better than one cute idiot" Dream replied "Dude, stop calling me cute, i'm ferocious" Sapnap said "Yeah right, do something even remotely scary and i'll stop"

Sapnap stood up and stepped back "Well, i've been told that i'm supposed to be able to do something like..."

He shut his eyes and took a deep breath, then he started to shake slightly as he grew taller, his tail became longer and had little spikes running down the top, patches of skin turned to ashy black scales and more spikes ran down his spine. His nails grew into sharp black claws and his non-broken horn became larger, curling backwards over his head. His wings almost doubled in size, his canine teeth grew longer and sharper as well

He opened one eye and looked down at himself "...this"

"Woah..." Dream breathed "Dude your eyes are just plain white now, they look like they're made of quartz! And now you're way taller than me, how does it feel to be... i'm gonna guess 8ft tall"

"It's-" They heard the locks on the door jingle "Oh shit, get ready to run" Dream said, they moved to the side of the door and prepared themselves to dash out of it. The door swung open and blindingly bright white light spilled into the room, someone in a billowing white coat stepped into the room with a plastic tray holding two plates of some unidentified sludge, Dream darted forwards and easily shoved him over, driving a sharp kick from his hooved foot into their side just to make sure "OWWW" They cried

"SAP C'MON" Dream called as he raced out the door, Sapnap hurried after him while he was still in his demon form, his tail dragged along the floor and his horns almost touched the ceiling, there was an alarm ringing has Dream backed up before he ran forwards and rammed his horns into a keypad, the heavy metal door beeped and opened

He didn't waste time looking at whoever was in there, quickly moving along to the next cell , Sapnap watched exactly where he had to strike them before crouching down and repeating it with his claws, the door buzzed and flew open "This place has really shitty locks" He said

"Yeah well these are the more passive subjects or so i've heard, they don't really need high tech locks" Dream replied, rubbing his head to soothe the headache before it arrived at full force "I think that's enough, someone's bound to figure out how to open the other doors then everything will go to shit, we need to go now"

Sapnap followed Dream as the ran through the hallways, anyone who got in their way was either knocked over by Dream ramming his horns into them or smacked aside by Sapnap's tail. They made it to one of the less secure doors and Dream smashed the keypad, it didn't open "Shit" He mumbled, looking around for something they could use, his eyes landed on Sapnap who was still in his tall and lanky demon form "You think you could break this down?"

Sapnap shrugged "Worth a shot" Dream stepped out of the way as Sapnap put his should against the door and shoved, it creaked but didn't budge "Wait- I have a better idea" he said excitedly

Sapnap cleared his throat, crouched down so that his face was directly in front of the door then started forcefully coughing, it took a while but lava started dripped from his mouth, he scooped some of it up with his hand and wiped it on the door, it sizzled and started to melt

It took him a few tries but eventually there was a big enough hole for them to get through, Sapnap changed back to his 'human' form and climbed through, Dream followed him and they escaped into the woods, they didn't stop running until they reached a clearing far away from the horrid facility

They laid down on the soft grass side by side and held hands "That was... so cool" Dream said "It's unreal, i'm finally... free" Sapnap replied, subconsciously reaching up to feel his horns, gently brushing a finger across the stump "Oh my fucking god, i'm free, the overworld is so pretty and green!"

Dream turned his head and grinned at him "I know, right!? I've never appreciated nature more than this exact moment"

Sapnap rolled onto his stomach and unfurled his wings "The sun is so waaaarm, there's no sun in the underworld, the only light comes from the fire, lava and glowstone or the torches and lanterns we make"

"Wait... these woods are familiar..." Dream said happily "I think I know where we are and where we need to go, follow me!"

A/N Go look at my platonic husband's crack fic one shots or i'll snap your nico nico neck :)

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