💚Let's play!💔✨

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A/N Pupper again, I know that y'all are furries, give me clout

"HELLO!" He shouted cheerfully as he sprung from one of the bushes, shoving the man over and landing with both hands on his chest, laughing happily at Dream's sudden surprise. "What the- Get off of me." Dream hissed, glancing around to make sure that he didn't see anybody else before shoving the raveonette off of him.

While Dream dusted himself off, he took a better look at whoever was sitting just across from him, wondering why they were so intrigued by his campfire. "Who... Are you?" He asked the werewolf-esque looking stranger. "My name is Sapnap!," The boy replied. "Do you wanna play? Please, please please, ple-"

"No, i'm busy trying not to starve right now." Dream sighed. "Awww... Can I at least know your name?" Sapnap pouted. "You... Don't know who I am? Wow... I thought that I was, like, a weirdly well known bounty hunter around here... My name's Dream." The blonde replied, slightly confused.

"I... Don't know what that is... But okay!" Sapnap laughed, tilting his head back to bathe his face in the warm sun of the evening sky. "Yeah, whatever.... I'm gonna go find something to eat, DON'T TOUCH THE CAMPFIRE!" Dream said sternly, pointing a singular finger at him. "I won't!" Sapnap replied, nodding to show his promise.


"Dream!" He cheered as he popped up over the edge of the table, scaring Dream into spitting out his meal. "Ergh... What do you want, Sap?" He grumbled as he wiped the sprayed milk from the corners of his mouth, glancing at the raveonette that he'd practically just adopted into his one-man group since the half-wolf wouldn't leave.

"Let's play! Let's go out and play! I wanna hang out with youuuuu!!!" He replied, tail wagging eagerly and thumping against the hard wood table. Dream just shook his head with a glare. "Not right now, dude, i've got shit to do... Like finishing my dinner! Now go away or something, man, just leave me alone for a while."

"Awww, you're no fun!," Sapnap grumbled as he stormed away from the campfire. "This is stupid...."

*idk bro, he goes out and it gets late, he gets lost*

Sapnap glanced around and suddenly realised that he didn't actually know where he'd gone, he must've veered off track whilst chasing that butterfly. He gulped nervously and trekked on, thinking that he mustn't be too far... Surely he'd hit the path again if he just kept walking... Right?

He started anxiously muttering to himself, ears picking all sorts of little noises that freaked him out, from the rattling clatter of a skeleton's bones to the pained moans and groans of a decomposing zombie. Sapnap whined, ears drooping and body wilting as he slowed to a stop, wanting to just drop to his knees and just pray that nothing found him, but he knew that that wasn't a very good strategy if he really wanted to live.

Sapnap tucked his fluffy tail in close to his body, trying to conserve as much heat as possible since the night was colder than usual. The sounds kept getting closer, eventually paired with the quiet hisses of a creeper and a squirmy rustling of a spider in the tall trees.

He suddenly turned around and started to run back towards the way he came, only to get knocked over and be easily thrown aside by one of the mobs, landing on his stomach in the dirt after slamming his back into the bark of a tree. Sapnap shakily sat up and looked over at them, there were several of the hostile creatures just across the small clearing from him, feeding the rising dread that was currently growing in his stomach.

The zombie that had hit him was the closest, advancing at a steady pace with a low rumbling noise that sounded like a hungry stomach. Sapnap tried to scramble backwards but there was a sharp stinging in his chest, leaving him to feel like he'd somehow bruised one of his ribs.

He almost collapsed again from the pain, eyes watering up as a short yelp escaped from his lips. The arrow from the skeleton's bow narrowly missed impaling him, just grazing the side of his stomach and causing it to rapidly bleed. Sapnap raised his hands above his head and cowered, unable to do anything to defend himself since he wasn't used to getting caught out at night, the mobs would mostly ignore him... It must've been the scent of the human that he'd come in contact with earlier... So he was just about ready to accept his fate.

As the creatures reached him, he felt something easily scoop him up and dash away, a pair of large arms that made sure that they weren't touching any particularly injured spots but still kept a tight hold in order to keep from dropping him. Sapnap cracked an eye open, half expecting an enderman to have mistaken him for a block, but in reality it was actually just that guy that he'd met this evening.


"Dreamy!" He cried happily, voice hoarse as he was weak from the blood loss and tired from walking so far. The blonde glanced down at him for a moment to flash a tiny smile before snapping his head back up, trying to focus on running past the mobs without either of them getting hit, it was a real chore of a task but eventually they were free of the swarm. "Hey, Sappy... Glad to see me?"

He sleepily nodded, feeling just about ready to drift off. "I missssssed youuuu," He said, slurring his words together. "We never got to play..."

"Okay, just don't fall asleep...," Dream muttered determinedly, still running back towards his camp, easily carrying the ebony haired wolf whilst sprinting at almost full speed. "That would be really bad, Pup, just keep your eyes open for a bit longer, we're almost back safe."

"But i'm ssssssoooooooo tiredddd..." Sapnap whispered, just barely staying awake.

"Please, dude, it's not much farther... Stay awake, do it for me, and... And i'll get you... Cake, okay?"

"Just... Just a lil' nap..."

"No, no naps for Sap just yet, you can have one when we get you patched up, alright? And after that, then we can play!"

"No naps for Sap... Got it..."

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