💚Sapnap's mask💔

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CW: Violence, girlboss gaslight gatekeep manipulation

The Egg, a dangerous entity that seemed hellbent on taking over the entire SMP... but Sapnap wouldn't let it, that foul thing had already corrupted the minds of his fathers and his older brother but he was ready... he had a trick up his sleeve that was paired with his incredible stealth. Sapnap approached the Egg, almost immediately spinning and the fuck out of there but he couldn't leave quite so quickly... this Egg had already caused his father to almost kill his other dad so there was no way that it should be allowed to live

As he stared up at the pulsating mass of red vines and crimson moss, a wave of something heavy rolled over him, it was like the atmosphere itself had become thick and unbearable but he still stayed. The Egg seemed to glow with red bioluminescence, causing him to shiver and think second thoughts on what he was about to do but it didn't matter since he was as determined as he could be to complete his mission

Sapnap placed his left palm face down on the cover of the infamous novel, taking a deep breath of the stifling air and feeling small particles fly into his lungs but he ignored them. The room seemed to fall silent as he channelled the power from the book, he couldn't hear the gloops of the lava or the hum of the Egg

Once Sapnap was sure that he had done enough, he squeezed his eyes shut and prepared to shout out the summoning words, which were pretty... simple "XD, I AM READY TO USE THIS GIFT BESTOWED UPON ME"

As soon as the sentence left his lips, the sky itself cracked open to reveal a rift of the void from which a god emerged, they wore a smug grin upon their face as they slithered up to him, each footstep falling unnoticed by distracted ears. Sapnap craned his neck to look up at the towering immortal, XD stood with one hand on his hip as he flashed that sharp toothed grin at the ravenette "You're ready to use the book of death? Be my guest, for who do you wish upon this eternal cursed fate..." He purred in a low rumble

"I want... I want to kill the Egg" Sapnap said in a thin voice that cracked with every other syllable "I know that it's not a person... but... I need to remove it forever"

"Just write it in the book, darling, it's not that hard" XD replied with a harshness in his tone that Sapnap didn't detect, the shorter just scrambled to grab a pencil out of his pocket so that he could hurriedly etch 'The Egg' into his book. Once he'd finished, he handed it up to the god before lowering his head in a slow nod to pay his respects to the higher being, placing one shaky hand across his chest as he bowed

XD seemed somewhat satisfied with the ravenette and brushed his fingers over the words on the ridged paper before passing it back to the mortal, closing his eyes and tilting his head up as he reached his right hand out. Sapnap watched with eyes widened in awe as the god muttered something under their breath before clenching their fist shut at an inhuman speed, allowing something black like ink to seep out from under his skin and drip to the floor before flicking his wrist towards the Egg

In the blink of an eye, the Egg started to shrivel up and turn a dusty reddish-brown like sediment before turning to dust, every last particle falling to the ground and being swept away into the bubbling lava by the slow flapping of XD's four feathery white wings. Once his kill had been completed, the god turned towards Sapnap and began to outstretch his hand, planning on taking one of Sap's lives in exchange since that was the previously agreed deal... but he stopped when Sapnap's breath hitched in his throat

"You're on your last life... how curious" XD said in a distorted voice, leaning down so that he could cup a hand under Sapnap's chin and force him to look up again "You would waste your only life on killing such an inferior being... my only question is, why?"

"I needed to save m-my family" Sapnap replied hesitantly, disliking the feel of the god gripping his face "I had to kill the Egg somehow... so... just take me, i've fulfilled my duty of being a mercenary and now i'm ready to pass on, my family is safe and they don't need me anymore so i'm done with this life, i'd like to swiftly move on to my next so that I can protect people there"

XD slowly tutted "I'm not opposed to gaining another wayward soul for my desolate graveyard but why waste such a... such a youthful vessel of devotion..? Your time is yet to come, little one... I have such big plans for you yet" Sapnap audibly gulped with fear, anxiously fiddling with his fingers as the god released him

The being clicked their fingers, causing a perfect ceramic mask to fall into the palm of their hand "Heel" XD snapped in a cold voice, Sapnap quickly shuffled forwards and took the mask from the god's hands, staring down at it before flipping it over and reluctantly clipping it on over the porcelain skin of his worried face. Surprisingly, the mask was enchanted so that he could see through it as if it wasn't even there, Sapnap tentatively reached up and traced a finger along the cool tempered object with a slight gasp

"Enjoy the gift, mortal" XD said before stepping back through the rift and disappearing, the slit in the dimension quickly closing before Sapnap could even register that the god was gone "I wonder what-" He started to mumble to himself but was quickly interrupted by a voice that seemed to come from his own head

"Finally... it's been so long since i've had anyone else to talk to..." It slowly hissed, Sapnap felt a shiver run down his spine but he refused to take the mask off, there was something strangely... comforting... about it

"W-who are you!?" He quickly demanded, almost pleading for the answer

"Who am I..?" They replied in disbelief "Well, mortal, you may call me... Nightmare"

A/N Made a few small changes

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