
392 13 4

CW: Pills

A/N I have Covid and want more fluffy Punznap shit, my brain is mush rn so please forgive me if it's worse than usual -__-

Punz was taking a relaxing stroll through the woods near Kinoko, just breathing in the crisp night air and watching the beginning of the sun sent when he heard a voice call out to him "Punz! I could do with your help right about now"

He walked over to George with a confused expression "What? Why ME of all people?" "You're a demon, right?" George replied, not answering his question "Uhhhh... yeah but i'm an arct-"

"Perfect" George sighed in relief, grabbing him by the wrist and dragging him over to a nearby house, he pushed the door open and they both stepped inside "Right, I need your help with something, Sapnap hasn't left his room in days and I think he's sick but he wont answer me or Karl" "How am I supposed to help!?" Punz said, George shrugged "You're both demons, go find out if this is just some weird thing he does or if he's sick, maybe he'll talk to you"

Punz sighed but reluctantly agreed, walking over to Sapnap's bedroom and pushing the door open, George stared at him "How do you know which room- never mind, I... don't want to know, see ya' later" He quickly exited the building, leaving Punz to awkwardly stand there before entering the darkened room. He looked around before his eyes settled on a mound of blankets on the bed with a tail poking out from under it, he walked over with a quiet chuckle "Hey, dude, your friends are worried about you"

He waited for an answer but nothing came so he crouched down and tried again "Sap, you can't just ignore your friends, they're worried" Punz sighed as he watched the long tail with a tuft of fur on the end flick back up so that the blanket covered it, he stood up against and grabbed the top blanket, yanking it off which resulted in a muffled growl coming from the pile

Punz repeated the process, taking another blanket off and dropping it onto the floor, there were five blankets in total which doesn't sound like much but imagine laying under five blankets at once, he crossed his arms as he looked down at Sapnap who was curled up on his side as small as possible, his tai, wrapped back around to lay next to his head as he hid his face in his arms

(How do I describe this!? Okay, he's laying in his side with his knees tucked up to his stomach, tail curling around past his legs up to his head, his arms are kinda folded flat against the bed, head resting on his arms while covering his face)

"Sapnap?" He asked in a slightly worried voice, hesitantly reaching out to touch his shoulder but  he rolled over, tucking his tail up between his legs. Punz sat down next to him on the bed and folded his legs "Sap, please don't ignore me, i'm here to help"

"I don't need help" Sapnap grumbled, voice barely audible

"Then get up, get up and go do stuff, get up and go talk to your friends because George is... scared? Confused? I dunno but he's definitely concerned"

Sapnap slowly opened his eyes, blinking a few times to clear them as he looked up at Punz, his messy black hair hanging in his eyes "I don't want to, too tired..." He mumbled, Punz frowned "Are you sure that you're fine? You might be sick" "I don't get sick" Sapnap replied, Punz rolled his eyes and stood up "I'll be right back" He left the room and quickly came back with a thermometre "Right, open your mouth"

The ravenette shook his head "No, not sick, don't need to" He insisted "If you're not sick then you won't have a problem with me taking your temperature" Punz replied, Sapnap froze for a moment as he thought about it before he reluctantly opened his mouth

Punz waited a minute or two before looking at the temp "Oh, yeah, you're really cold" "But aren't you supposed to heat up when you're sick?" Sapnap asked quietly "How the fuck do you NOT know your own anatomy, demons from the Nether get a lot colder when they're sick, this is basic information" Punz said

"Oh... maybe I am sick"

"No shit, Sherlock"

Sapnap groaned as he opens his eye again "That explains why my entire body feels like shit" "Okay, wait here while I go grab something from my house" Punz said as he quickly stood up and made his way towards the door "And don't go to sleep just yet, stay awake for a bit longer, okay?" Sapnap bobbed his head as he slowly sat up, draping one of the blankets over his shoulders 

Punz returned with a small bottle, popping the cap off and shaking two pills into the palm of his hand as he sat down next to Sapnap again "Here, take these with a sip of water, it should help you clear your head and fall asleep faster" Sapnap hesitantly reached out and took the pills, grabbing his water bottle off of the nightstand and filling his mouth with water before tossing the pills in and swallowing them "How long till' they kick in?" He asked "Around twenty minutes for me so maybe a bit less than that for you, it's worth the wait though"

Sapnap yawned and leaned against him, resting his head on Punz's shoulder "Twenty minutes before I supposedly fall asleep. Wonderful" Punz snorted and wrapped an arm around the ravenette "Somebody seems grumpy" Sapnap just shut his eyes again while Punz shifted around so that they were laying down, he pulled the boy closer and hugged him, hot breath tickling the back of Sapnap's neck "We have 't spent time together in a while, Sap, i've missed you..."

Sapnap squirmed slightly but he found the familiar warmth of Punz to be strangely comforting, letting his tense body relax for the first time since he'd started feeling ill "Missed you too, you're warm, Punzo the heater makes me feel better"

"That's... weird... considering the fact that i'm from the Overworld, I shouldn't be much warmer than room temperature"

"Oh well, maybe i'm just really cold, I fucking hate being sick... apart from getting to hang out with you"

"Okay then, if all you need me to do is stay here and exist then I'm happy to" Punz replied with a goofy grin, ruffling Sapnap's already untidy hair "I'm always here for you, idiot, next time come tell me if you're feeling sick"

"Mmm... okay, idiot, love youuu"

"Love you too"

A/N *Resisting the chaotic urge to write a mafia strip club AU*

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