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Sapnap wrestled and whipped his head around, snapping his jaws at the plastic ring around his neck. A growl rose in his throat as he raised his hackles and tried to scratch the officer

A sharp kick was delivered to his side, he let out a loud whine and misplaced a step which caused him to slip and land on his side. A small cloud of dust was stirred up, it filled his nose and he sneezed "Ahah!" The officer said in a proud tone as he planted his heel down on the wolf's side that faced upwards

Sapnap flicked his tail and wriggled, his black and brown fur getting dusty and his mind racing. I need to transform and get away, I can't let him see me transform... I'm not going back to that hellscape

He suddenly kicked out and managed to shove at the other, causing him to stumble back. Sapnap took this chance and scrambled up, a sharp pain in his front right paw flared up but he ignored it and started running. The officer pulled out a small rectangle and pointed it at the wolf. What... what is that? A taser!?

He yipped and ran faster, pumping three of his legs while keeping his front right paw up off the ground. He turned a corner and jumped into an alley dumpster, settling down among the trash bags and attempted to quiet his breathing as he twitched his ears, straining to hear the catcher

The time ticked by, Sapnap sat in there for five, ten, twelve minutes before he felt it was safe to look around again. He got up on his hind legs and stuck his snout up over the edge of the dumpster, no one was nearby so he sat back down again and sniffed around the bin, the plastic ring attached to a metal pole was still strapped around his neck. Sapnap scratched and bit at it but it, eventually getting it off, he then jumped out of the bin and limped out of the alleyway with a grunt and a groan

Sapnap tried to transform but his energy was gone. Great, stuck in wolf form! He grumbled to himself and set off down the street towards the park


The ravenette was resting under a large tree when someone came walking up the track, bright purple hoodie with a teal swirl in the middle, and their eyes locked onto him "Awww, hey there little guy" they said quietly, crouching down. Sapnap hissed and backed up but a shock ran up through his front right leg which made him whine softly

"Hey, hey I won't hurt you buddy, I just wanna help" they said soothingly "My name's Karl, can you tell me yours?" Sapnap stepped closer, flattening the fur that had puffed up in defense as he sniffed Karl's outstretched hand "My name's Sapnap" he replied, it was only a bark to the brunette but he seemed to understand "Nice, can you show me your paw please?"

Sap looked him in the eyes and slowly, warily stretched his injured foot out, ready to snap it away at a moments notice "Ouch, looks like you've twisted it" Karl muttered under his breath "Come with me, I can fix it up for you but you'll have to keep quiet, I'm supposed to be working right now"

He crawled out from under the low hanging tree branches and into Karl's arms, settling his chin on the brunette's shoulder while he was scooped up. Karl stood up and started heading back to the main area of the set "Jimmy" he called out "Where do you keep the first aid kit?"

"Just In the black bag near the equipment, why?" Was the response

"Just a small injury, don't worry about it" Karl replied and grabbed the kit before heading over to one of the tents, he set Sapnap down and lifted the hurt paw "I'm gonna have to adjust this, okay?"

The wolf nodded, wincing as his paw was 'set' then wrapped up in a soft bandage "There you go, you won't be able to walk properly for a while but you can hang out here if you want"

Sapnap nuzzled up against the human, setting his snout on Karl's lap with a yip and a tail wag "I guess you're staying here then" Karl laughed and started petting the ravenette's head, scratching between the ears while Sap happily wagged his tail, thumping it against the ground

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