🧡 Sleepover pt2✨

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Sapnap heard his door creak open slowly, he let out a soft whine and squeezed his eyes shut "Sapnap? Are you still here, buddy?" someone called out, It was Quackity "Under the bed" he whispered yet the other ravenette managed to hear him, getting onto his stomach and crawling under the bed as well "Hey, I came to check on you because Karl is yelling at the other two" Sapnap nodded in acknowledgement

"Look, lets sit on your bed, Sap, It'll be much more comfortable" so they got out from beneath the wood bedframe and climbed onto Sapnap's bed, sitting in the corner where two walls merged and cuddling, Sapnap's head on Quackity's shoulder while they had their arms around each other, he let out a quiet sort of dry sniffle every now and again but was otherwise silent

The room was quiet and empty until the door opened again, letting light spill into the dark bedroom as Karl walked in, worried expression swept away by relief as he saw the two younger boys sitting on the bed. He didn't say a word, just came and sat next to them, planted a gentle kiss on both their foreheads and started humming a quiet tune his adoptive mother had taught him

Quackity smiled at him and started singing along to the song softly while running his fingers through Sapnap's hair "Hey there Delilah, what's it like in new york city? I'm a thousand miles away but girl, tonight you look so pretty. Yes you do, time square can't shine as bright as you, I swear it's true"

Sapnap was drifting off to sleep, a lazy smile slung across his lips as he listened to their comforting voices "Hey there Delilah, don't you worry about the distance, I'm right there if you get lonely just give this song another listen"

The door opened again and two sheepish boys stood there, one with an apologetic look and the other was awkwardly staring down at the ground, Quackity glared at them but continued his calming singing, lulling the boy to sleep "Close your eyes, listen to my voice, it's my disguise, I'm by your side" gentle snoring could be heard and the two still awake on the bed looked at the two eldest boys with the most disappointed looks possible "Really? You should know better" Karl stated "He's younger than you but you still thought it was a good idea to mock him because he was SCARED!? He's seven for goodness sakes"

George shifted uncomfortably "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare him that much" Dream nodded along "I'm telling dad" Quackity said to George who sighed "I deserve it, why don't we all settle down in here now, seeing as Pandas is asleep already"

The other three nodded so Karl and Quackity carefully untangled themselves from the sleeping boy and everyone took turns getting changed into pajamas before unrolling their sleeping bags on the floor, laying down "What do we do about Sapnap? It must be uncomfortable to sleep in those clothes" Dream asked "Just ask Bad, he's Sap's father after all" George replied and lay down, taking off his enchroma goggles

-Time skip-

After everyone was in pajamas, Sapnap had been changed into pj shorts and a tshirt but somehow stayed asleep, the others all closed their eyes and said goodnight, Quackity climbed back onto Sapnap's bed and lay beside him, wrapping one arm around his shoulders and yawned "Goodnight Pandas" he whispered to the sleeping ravenette before drifting off to sleep himself

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