💚 Sapnap's mask pt3💔

176 11 21

CW: Violence, graphic depictions of gore


"Mmphhh... what?" He replied slowly, sitting up as he haphazardly slipped one hand beneath the mask and rubbed the sleep from his eyes

"I crave blood, it's been CENTURIES since i've tasted the coppery life force of humans... I need to get some anger out, not even XD himself could understand how it feels to be tethered to such an object like a hound on a leash! I-"

"Alright alright! Geez, Nightmare, I don't need to hear y- what fucking time is it..?" Sapnap asked, sliding off of the bed and getting up to stretch

"The moon is currently in its highest arc of the night"


"You've rested for eight hours, isn't that all your body needs, mortal?"

"That doesn't mean that you can just wake me up, okay? If we're bound together by this mask then you need to let me fulfil MY basic human needs BEFORE yours because you can wait, I literally can't or I might die"

"Your body will not deteriorate from missing a few hours of shut eye... now... make your way to the abandoned portal room on your sharp right"

Sapnap groaned but reluctantly exited the room and started heading towards this so-called 'portal room' that Nightmare had directed him to. He swiftly arrived, eyes widening as he stood before the dimly glowing frame of an ancient method of transportation "This... this was your portal?" It seemed to be missing some keys, leaving eleven empty spaces while the final one was occupied by a small turquoise orb

"Indeed, we used this almost daily in order to travel to our homeland and collect the minimal amount of chorus fruit that we could, there was barely any to harvest though..."

Sapnap stepped closer to the portal and lightly brushed his fingertips across the frame before he rested an entire hand on it, feeling a shiver run down his spine as he started to hear soft voices echoing through his head. He pulled his hand back and they immediately stopped but he felt so... empty without them so he replaced his hand, letting his eyes flutter closed as he tried to listen but the whispers made his ears hurt

"N-Nightmare, what am I hearing..?" He questioned as he hesitantly left his hand on the rough portal frame, trying to work out what the almost silent symphony of voices was saying

"Ahh... my fellows... it feels so good to be reunited once again" Nightmare muttered, seemingly talking to other people else rather than the ravenette... and they responded

"Not this guy again"

"Wow, Nightmare, never thought that i'd hear your familiar voice"

"Be quiet, guys"

"Finally! Save me from these idiots already!"

"You say that like YOU'RE not the one who NEVER shuts up"



"What took you so long!?"

"We've been stuck down here for centuries"

Sapnap fell backwards, suddenly being able to make out exactly what each of the voices were saying. He stared down at his hands with panicked eyes, seeing them slightly shaking... he didn't know where THESE voices were coming from, at least he knew that Nightmare was part of the mask but these ones just seemed to radiate from the room and he did NOT like that one bit, having so many people shouting at once was a sensory overload and he didn't know how to stop it

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