💙Sapnap's adventure :D✨

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A/N George's video but Dream has gone poof bye bye

He stared down into the crystal clear water, drifting his fingers through the gentle current and watching as it rippled. A small figure swam up to the surface and pressed its soft yet slimy head against his hand "Hi!" Sapnap gasped excitedly "What are you?"

It let out a quiet "Prrb" and flicked its head, shaking its frilly gills, Sapnap giggled and grabbed his bucket to scoop up the cute little creature "You're coming with me, i'm gonna name you... Eclair!" He stood up and started walking over to George, he went slowly as to not spill a single drop of water "Geeeeeooooorge" He called out cheerfully

"Hrmm?" George mumbled as he turned around, setting down his newly crafted pickaxe "Look what I found" Sapnap said happily "I named it Eclair!"

"Oh cool, you found an axolotl, good for you" George replied, breaking his crafting bench so that he could minimize it and put it back into his inventory "Eclair, huh? Cute name, cute like you" Sapnap got flustered and turned around "This is why I don't tell you things, George, you make it so awkward"

George came closer and rested a hand on his shoulder, spinning him around so that they were face to face "It's not awkward, you're just embarrassed" Sapnap groaned and rolled his eyes "I'm not embarrassed, you're just an idiot" "Whatever" George replied, ruffling Sapnap's hair and turning back to his furnaces

Sapnap sat down with his legs spread out and placed the bucket between them, dipping his hands into the water and petting Eclair "Aren't you just the most adorable thing in the world? Yes you are, yes youuuuu are!"

The axolotl swam in circles while making a strange purring noise, shaking its frilled gills and splattering water everywhere while Sapnap laughed, George looked over at the pair with a fond smile before turning back to his furnace and grabbing the steak that had finished cooking

As soon as he looked away, something tall ran past in a flash of black and purple, it picked the boy up and sprinted away "Wha- GEEOOOOORGE HELP ME!" Sapnap cried as he was hoisted over its shoulder, George whipped around and dropped the steak, grabbing his axe and chasing after them "SAPNAP!"

He ran after the tall creature, Sapnap was trying to wriggle out of its grasp but its claws dug into the fabric of his clothes and scratched his skin "HEY- OUCH"

"SAPNAP, TRY TO BLOCK IT IN" George called to him, Sapnap dug around in his inventory until he found his stack of cobblestone, returning the first piece to its original size and chucking it down in front of the enderman, repeating the process quickly to try and build a small barrier but the enderman just stepped over it

He sighed and minimized the cobblestone, slipping it back into his inventory and turning back to George "GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOORGEEEEEEE, I DON'T HAVE ANY FUCKING WEAPONS, ALL MY IRON IS STILL SMELTING AND I THREW AWAY MY STONE ONES" He called "SAPNAP, DON'T WORRY" George yelled back "GRGE, GRGE SAVE MEEEEEEEEE"

"I'M TRYING TO, SURPNURP, I CAN'T CATCH UP THOUGH" George groaned as he grabbed a piece off of the loaf of bread in his inventory, quickly eating it so that he had enough energy to keep running "DO YOU HAVE A BOW THAT YOU CAN THROW TO ME?"

"UHH" Sapnap looked through his inventory and grabbed a bow "YEAH, NO ARROWS THOUGH" He returned it to its original size and tossed it to George, George snatched it out of the air and stood still as he nocked the arrow "GEOOOOOOOOOOOOORGE!" Sapnap cried again "HOLD ON, SAPNAP" George replied

He lined the shot up, hands shaking ever so slightly at the fear of losing his friend but he let the arrow fly with confidence, it sliced through the air with a quiet whistle and flew right into the enderman's lower leg "YES" George cheered as he started running over, the enderman let out a pained screech and stumbled, tucking its head and arms in as it tripped and rolled

George hurried over while grabbing his axe, he walked around the curled up enderman and saw Sapnap's arm sticking out from underneath it, he grabbed the ravenette by the wrist and tried to pull him out but it didn't work "Ugghhhhhh" He groaned in frustration

"Mmmmf" Sapnap said in a muffled voice "Gerf, m' stug"

George used the stick of his axe to roll the enderman over, prying its arms off of Sapnap and helping him stand up, the enderman quickly scrambled up as well and teleported away "Holy fucking shit, George, that was epic" Sapnap said as he shakily wrapped his arms around George

George put his axe away and hugged him back "You scared me half to death, Sap, you should always have some sort of weapon when we're outside" "Yeah, yeah, I know" Sapnap replied "But you don't expect an enderman to swoop in a grab you like a dirt block, do you?"

"Why DID it grab you? I've never seen that happen before" George questioned

Sapnap shrugged "No clue, maybe i'm just too hot, it's such a burden to look this good" He held the back of his hand to his forehead and dramatically leaned backwards, George only just managed to grab him "SAP- You idiot"

Sapnap just giggled as he looked up at George "I'm your idiot, deal with it" George rolled his eyes as he bit back a smile, a puff of purple particles appeared in front of them and another enderman, or possibly the same one, grabbed Sapnap and teleported a few feet away to a nearby tree


George pulled his bow out again and lined up the shot "Sapnap... don't move a muscle" Sapnap squeezed his eyes shut and the arrow whizzed past his head, the enderman hissed and dropped Sapnap before disappearing in a puff of smoke

George ran back over to the boy and grabbed him by the wrist "Right, we're going home" "Awww c'mon, dude, i'm having fun out here!" Sapnap whined "Well, i'm not risking it" George replied as he dragged Sapnap along with him "I'm not losing you to a fucking mob"

"George, i'm not that helpless, I just... wanted to let you play hero"

"Yeah right, y'know how many times i've saved you from stupid situations? Sapnap, you're like a hyperactive puppy that can get into trouble but never able to get out of it" George sighed, Sapnap rolled his eyes as they entered the house "Yeah well maybe i'm... i'm in my dogboy era"


"Woof woof motherfucker"

I have Covid :/

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