🧡Escaped ALT ENDING pt2💔

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"Yowch" Dream hissed as he accidentally stepped on a bit of lava "Who just spills lava everywhere and doesn't clean it up?" he glanced around and saw more lava, it seemed to form some sort of trail. Dream huffed angrily and started to follow the trail, he ended up back in the room where he watched his best friend take his last breath, the wound was still fresh and a spiking pain in his gut caused him to double over

Someone tapped him on the shoulder, a burning sensation flooded through his body but disappeared as soon as it had come. Dream whipped around and drew his sword but there was nobody there, all he could see was a pile of lava "That... wasn't there before" he muttered, looking all around the room that stunk of blood and rust

He swiftly clambered up the stairs and decided to visit Sapnap's grave, he had dug it in secret and left it to be found, the news spread within hours and most of the server hated him but it didn't matter now that he was back in control. He made his way to the community house and then past it to a secluded flower field, it had almost every flower they could find except daffodils, nobody fucking likes daffodils, I really hate daffodils 

But there were lots of sunflowers! And heaps of warm coloured tulips, he knelt down at the grave and gently placed a bundle of blue 'n' purple flowers down "In honor of your fiances, so you don't forget them" he laughed quietly "It's Karl that'll forget, silly me"

Suddenly he snapped his head back and observed every last detail of the grave, the dirt was misplaced, someone had dug it up and put back, his smile immediately dropped into a snarl but suddenly a honey coloured liquid spilled out of the ground, drenching the freshly turned soil but had no effect on the flowers

Dream stumbled back, horrified but also curious as he watched the magical lava twist, swirl and float up into the air. It was shaped like a human and then it seemed to harden into netherrack, Dream reached out and brushed the tips of his fingers across the statue and it fell away to reveal a familiar face

"S-Sapnap?" he whispered, feeling a mix of fear, anger, regret and guilt flow through him all at once, the figure tilted their head "Dream? Dream! Who is... Sap-nap"

"You are, that's literally your name, how are you alive?" at second glance he realised that the boy was pale white with black finger tips and feet, his neat hair was now tangled and more brown than black without a bandanna to keep it out of his face, also, his eyes were pitch black "No, my name is Pandas! How could you forget?"

Dream rubbed his eyes but nothing changed, Sap- sorry, Pandas reached out and traced a clawed finger down Dream's nose before playfully booping it with a giggle, Dream picked up all the other little changes such as the different clothes, he seemed a lot shorter/younger and last but not least... he was actually smiling

"You seem... different" Dream tried this time, hoping not to trigger any bad reactions from... whatever he was now

Pandas nodded happily "Like my new clothes? I got them from... I got them..." he fell silent for a moment "I got them from you but it wasn't you, If that makes sense" Dream nodded although not understanding at all. Pandas now wore a plain black shirt with ripped jeans and a soft gray cloak, his engagement rings were missing

"But how are you alive?" he asked again, Pandas' expression immediately changed to worried "I'm not dead, are you alright?" Dream shook his head "How could you just forget? That's not fair, I have to live with this on my mind for the rest of my life but you get to just FORGET THAT I SLAUGHTERED YOU!?"

"You... killed me?"

Dream immediately regret his outburst "No no, I don't know what I was saying but forget it Panda, just come with me" he held out his hand and smiled when the other grabbed it, stumbling after him as they made their way down the prime path "Hey Dream?" the ghost (?) asked as he stopped wagging his point-tipped tail "Mhmm?" he replied absentmindedly "You'd never really hurt me... right?"

"Of course not"

A/N So like, he's dead but he's also alive? He has kind of reverted back to a younger mindset where he was still called Panda/Pandas, in this "AU" he isn't shipped after he dies because he's mentally a kid or something like that. He sort of revived himself using part-demon magic I guess, when he gets stressed out he will sort of de-age by using his immortal(?) form to change how old he is until he feels calm enough to switch back *This literally just sounds like physical AgeRe* Alright he's technically dead since he no longer has a beating heart because part of his chest is just an open gap with freezing cold lava dripping out if he unties the bandages encasing his entire torso

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