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CW: I'm talking about weird ways to kill, torture, kidnapping, alcohol, gambling, suicide, manipulation, abuse, blackmailing/threatening (Hey kids, don't do this stuff, it's not good)

So I'm gonna base most of the yandere stuff I do off of this little list, the 'types' may vary but this is generally how the five will act, No I won't do 'X Reader' or anything like that, I'm just gonna use [] instead of typing out names cause I'm lazy. This is in order from least 'dangerous' to the most (To the fixation, not to any surrounding people) 

Sapnap: Quite clingy and "Would NEVER hurt []" completely devoted to the one he loves even if [] doesn't seem to acknowledge him, he will follow [] around and even stalk them from time to time, only to "Keep [] safe" He doesn't try to restrict [] much as he isn't that jealous, just worried something might happen when he's not around. He is paranoid and anxious but keeps all his insecurities secret from his darling because he would hate to worry []. He prefers not to kill as it may upset [] but wouldn't hesitate to burn someone to a crisp if they threaten/endanger []. He's not afraid to use emotional manipulation to get what he wants, he doesn't want to be rejected which is why he's more secretive about his 'crush' and why he'd rather stalk [] than actually talk to them, if [] does happen to reject him then it could go one of three ways (This isn't always what happens, just kinda simplifying it) 1. He'll start to ignore [], pushing them away and refusing to talk to anyone until he either finds a new love/moves on or offs himself 2. He'll start stalking [] even more to try and see what he could change about himself to make them love him, he'll try to fix every little flaw he thinks he has until [] loves him/pretends to love him or until it eventually kills him 3. He'll get very upset and kind of just disconnect, leaving him in a sort of trance where he will go after anyone he sees as an obstacle in the way of [] loving him, he will kill pretty much everyone [] talks to until he's caught, dead or [] 'loves' him

Weakness: He is quite dependent on constant affection, leaving him angry and miserable whenever he doesn't receive attention, he will try and use it against [] to force them into spending time with him

Preferred weapon: He's not likely to become violent but if he does, he'll use fire, boiling hot wax and/or shattered glass

"Am I not good enough for you?"

Quackity: He sees [] as someone way out of everyone's league yet he wants to be around [] at almost all times, he doesn't trust himself and tends to stalk [] as a way of feeling close without endangerment, he is the stealthiest killer and will usually gamble with anyone who flirts with [] but if they lose (They always do) he kills them slowly and painfully, if they win? He's kind enough to give them a quick and mostly painless end. He still likes to be fair and gives his victims plenty of warnings before offering up his lethal game of poker. He doesn't mean to hurt [] but if he does then he's usually apologetic and tender, also I usually make him cannibalistic so... yeah

Weakness: He gets very cocky when gambling and this can be used against him, his mind is scrambled when he ingests enough alcohol or gets worked up, this can also be used against him

Preferred weapon: A razor blade, poison or paper-thin metal cards that he throws(For his more lengthy kills) Otherwise it's a baseball bat

"Well, well, well... looks like I've won again!"

George: Very overprotective, valuing [] safety above his own and hates to let [] out of his sight. If [] is hurt by anyone then he will track them down and torture them both mentally and physically until their breaking point, he will then kill them them and bottle a bit of their blood as a sort of trophy but if HE hurts [] "Only to teach [] a lesson, of course!" It's 'acceptable'. He believes that [] will only love him if he proves his worth

Weakness: If [] starts to cry, he will immediately break down and do everything in his power to comfort them until they stop, while in this 'panic mode' he will do literally anything that [] wants without question, leaving him vulnerable. He also has a very big ego and complimenting him is an easy way to keep him calm, he can't run too fast so if [] really tries, they could probably escape him

Preferred weapon: A kitchen knife or his trusty axe 

"You can run but you can't hide"

Karl: He is very manipulative, using past incidents in his favour as leverage against [], he will do most anything to shift blame off of himself, using his 'innocence' to keep under the radar. Karl will collect little 'treasures' left behind by [] and store them, it could be anything from locks of hair and misplaced jewellery to drops of blood and articles of clothing. He will use his height and/or unseen strength to restrain [] and prevent them from leaving, he may become violent from time to time but this can easily be avoided by staying near him and giving him most of (If not all) the attention and validation he so craves. He will snap easily and kill without a second thought, he will resort to torture methods if 'necessary' He will use anything he can to get [] to stay with him, he's actually quite reasonable but it's a thin line between keeping him happy and angering him. He will often kidnap [] and bring them back to his house, he likes the feeling of knowing exactly where [] is at all times which is why he stalks them so often. I also think I could class him as obsessive/possessive 

Weakness: idfk, he's a messy killer and can be easily deceived, he doesn't particularly like doing anything that could negatively impact [] feelings towards him but he will do whatever it takes to make [] love him, even if it means breaking them (Mentally rather than physically) but he'd rather just clear away all distractions (Other possible love interests) and keep [] contained, safe and isolated

Preferred weapon: A custom made knife, it glitters slightly and it's wicked sharp with a nasty curve

"No, no, no... you're not allowed to leave"

Dream: Convinced that [] loves him, if told that [] doesn't love him then he'll just deny it. Quite possessive to the point of kidnapping [] and refusing to let them go, killing anyone who gets too bold for his liking. He likes to find out everything about [] such as schedules, who [] is close with, biological information and every little secret so he can blackmail [] if he needs to. He will follow [] around (Not exactly stalking) and tends to take pictures whenever [] isn't looking or asleep, he'll save any photo that [] posts and secretly threaten/blackmail anyone he sees as a threat. He will usually refrain from physical harm but if need be, It can be touch or go whether or not the marks will be permanent 

Weakness: If he's convinced that others don't pose a threat and that [] only loves him, then he'll usually be a lot less violent, depends on the people [] spends time with. EASIER OPTION: He won't do anything in areas with lots of people and It's pretty simple to keep him happy just by playing along, he's great at lying but terrible at catching a liar (Like Sapnap)

"You love me, don't deny it"

A/N This, again, isn't proofread and I'm tired, feel free to correct anything that I may not have worded correctly, I haven't been into the yandere trope for a while. Pretty sure I'll mostly do Karl or Dream unless someone wants a different one, I dunno, I've been working on this for a while just to make sure they don't have the same personalities

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