🧡Sapnap goes time travelling💔

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He was wandering through Kinoko while looking for Karl, he couldn't find his fiance anywhere "Karl?" He called out worriedly "Karl please stop, this isn't funny, you need to prepare in case Dream finds us" But there was no answer to his desperate plea

He left me, i've searched everywhere... he doesn't love me anymore so he left me

"What did I do wrong?" He whispered, a single tear dripped down his scarred cheek, it sizzled and evaporated because of his high body temperature "I'm a freak, a monster, I can't even cry"

He turned and looked over his shoulder towards pandora's vault, mind clouded with thoughts of the only people who had loved and accepted him for the person he was, everybody else always made excuses to leave when he showed up

He took a deep breath and kept walking, he entered Karl's house and noticed a trapdoor he'd never seen before "What the-" There was a strange light coming from it, he climbed down the rickety ladder and found himself standing before a shimmering object made of blue and purple swirls

"Woah..." He breathed, reaching one hand out and touching it, he felt himself being drawn towards it without moving and suddenly he was falling through it "HUH!?" He yelled in confusion, he was falling through some sort of multicoloured portal

He tumbled out the other side and landed on the dusty earth, he stood up and brushed himself off, looking around

This place seems familiar... have I been here before?

Something caught his eye, it was... his younger self?

Did I travel through time? I DO remember this

He watched himself be pushed over by one of the other children, they laughed and ran away while he rubbed his eyes and tried not to cry since it hurt like hell, Sapnap saw young Dream and George run over to him and help him up "Are you alright Sap?" George asked, he nodded his head "You can't just them bully you, you have to tell somebody" Dream said

"No one believes me" He replied sadly, George patted his back "Well don't worry, we do, maybe they'll listen to us"

"Yeah" He said, perking up a bit with newfound hope

Sapnap shook himself out of his daze, he looked away from his past self, instead he stared at the ground while subconsciously feeling his horns "I know how you feel, little me" He muttered under his breath, suddenly an idea came to mind "And I know what I need to do"

He started walking over to the three kids, one hand shoving Dream's younger self down while the other grabbed his dagger from his belt "AHHH!" Dream cried "PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!"

The younger version of himself and George tried to grab his shoulders and pull him back but he was at least ten years older, he had a massive advantage "You RUINED my fucking life" Sapnap growled back, pressing the dagger against his throat, a droplet of blood ran down Dream's neck

Dream just squeezed his eyes shut, bracing himself as the blade easily slit his throat like a hot knife through butter

Sapnap stood up, his past self and George fell over at the sudden motion, he let the dagger clatter to the ground and stared at his hands, there was crimson blood splattered across them, he grabbed a fistful of his hair as he stumbled back, blood dripped off of his hands and trickled down his face "I-I did it, he's gone now, i've s-saved everyone"

He looked back up at the terrified faces of the two children "I... don't... feel good about myself"

A/N Not too happy with how this one turned out TBH but y'all get two (possibly three) updates tonight :D

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