💙Just a weapon... pt3✨💔

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CW: Basically just mentions of what happened in the first two parts

I hope that he's actually home and wants to talk to me... what if he takes Dream's side and hates me? Oh well, I just have to hope

Sapnap made his way down the pebbly path, eyes scanning his surroundings to make sure that nobody, especially Dream, was around as he walked towards the lovely little mushroom cabin. He knocked on the front door and it swung open to reveal a worried mushroom elf, George's expression quickly changed to scared then to relieved as he realised that Sapnap was back to normal, his eyes more human and lacking that fiery orange glow "Sapnap! I've missed you, dude" He said as they hugged, noting that he didn't smell of smoke and ash which meant he hadn't burnt anything recently which was good "Georgie! I missed you too" Sapnap replied cheerfully, feeling more at home in the brunette's arms in that moment than any house that he's ever lived in

They hugged for a long time "Uhh... George? You can let go of me" Sapnap said, George shook his head "I've been so worried, I haven't left my house all week, i've just been in my library for, like, a month because I didn't know what to do!" Sapnap laughed quietly "Well, this little monster is fine now, I just needed a bit of space for a while"

George pulled away but kept a firm grip on his shoulders, lightly shaking him "You're NOT a monster, who told you that!?" Sapnap shrugged "Don't remember but geez, you really were worried! Calm down, i'm doing okay" George took a deep breath "Sorry, i'm just pissed off at Dream, whatever he did was fucked up"

Sapnap slowly nodded as George led him over to the couch where they sat down "So..." George started "Can you tell me exactly what happened? I'm still really confused" Sapnap froze up for a moment "Err... you wouldn't really like to know, it was a... bad experience"

"No, I would like to know, please and thank you" George insisted "Only if you feel comfortable telling me, of course"

Sapnap slowly inhaled and exhaled, taking a minute to mentally prepare himself "Well, it's like you... you can't think many thoughts of your own, it's like you're not in full control of your body... it's like there's this little voice in the back of your head that tells you what to do' He said, shuddering slightly at the thought "I couldn't stop myself, I don't even remember half the things that happened after he did that to me, i've only been told snippets so that I don't 'feel bad and blame myself' even though I still do, it's just more frustrating to not know the full story"

George's frown deepened as Sapnap kept talking, wanting to grab his axe more and more with each word

"-ut then he did it again and I attacked them, Wilbur and Tommy, by trying to fucking set them on fire until he made me use non-lethal force, i'm glad I wasn't forced to kill them, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to get close enough to pin me down and reverse that shit" Sapnap sighed "Aaand that's about it, that's all I really know or remember because nobody will tell me anything else... I think I remember speaking to Karl once, though, apparently I accidentally set his cape on fire"

"Mhmm... lovely... so i'm going to slice Dream's head clean off the next time I see him" George hissed, Sapnap laughed slightly "Dude, chill, both Tommy and Wilbur know how to reverse it so it won't happen again" "He's not getting near you again" George replied angrily "I knew you hit a rough patch in your friendship but how the hell did it get this toxic... fucking mind control and threats and actively avoiding each other"

"What, you're just gonna follow me around or something? Are you, like, my bodyguard now?" Sapnap asked half jokingly, George paused for a minute "Yeah, sure, I guess I am now"

Sapnap giggled "Both you and Wilbur, we're friends now... somehow... and we usually walk around the SMP together, he got Dream to leave me the fuck alone so we hang out a lot and I started calling him my bodyguard in a sarcastic way but he adopted the title like a fucking badge of honour" George grinned at him "Smart guy, he's got good ideas, he doesn't sound half as bad as Dream described him"

"He's great, actually, Dream's a fucking liar and you know tha-" Sapnap replied, cutting himself off as he turned and looked out the window "Uhh... you wouldn't mind if I left, would you?" He asked sheepishly, George encouragingly nudged him "By all means, go ahead, i'm perfectly fine by myself" Sapnap gave him a thankful smile as he hurried outside and ran over to the taller male outside "Wilbur!" He called out happily, Wilbur spun around in surprise but quickly grinned at the boy "Hey, Sap, how're you?"

George watched them excitedly talking from his porch with a smile, happy to see that Sapnap seemed to be moving on from his toxic friendship with Dream, words couldn't describe how glad he felt that Sap had most likely found somebody a hundred times better. He switched his communicator on and messaged something to Wilbur who read it and spun around to face him with a weary smile and a small thumbs up, George was satisfied with his response and walked back into his house with a content smile

A/N In this house, we stan protective Gogy, it is not a choice

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