💚Two idiots pt4✨

310 11 14

CW: None

This... isn't my house

Sapnap cautiously sat up and rubbed his throbbing skull. Ughhhhh I did NOT make good decisions last night, my head feels it got hit with a brick

He looked around the room before shakily standing up, wincing from the pain in his head and throat "Where am I?" he muttered to himself, heading towards the light coming from the crack between the door and the doorframe. He stepped out into a hallway and rapidly blinked to adjust to the bright lights, his head swam and he couldn't think straight

He shivered but chose to make his way across the hallway and nudged the door open, it creaked on its hinges, he stood in the entrance to another bedroom and the light spilled in and illuminated a figure laying in the bed across the room

He just stood there silently for a while before the person rolled over and rubbed his eyes "Hello?" they asked and squinted at him, Sapnap shifted from foot to foot "Why am I in your house" The guy stood up and walked over, clamping a hand down on Sap's shoulder "It's like 1am, you're here because I didn't want to leave you in that bathroom in your pathetic state, go back to sleep"

Sapnap shivered again and folded his arms over his chest "Oh... you seem familiar, do I know you?" Dream winced slightly "Do you seriously not remember me? Oh come on Pand- Sapnap. It's me, Dream" Sap opened his mouth to speak but closed it again, raising one hand to rub his head "Dream? I haven't seen you in, like, forever! Do you- are you still upset with me?"

Dream smiled sadly "No, I'm not mad at you, I'm mad that I let you leave with that gold digging bitch" Sapnap laughed "Yeah, that was pretty dumb of me, she wasn't even home most da- I see" he sighed and looked down at his feet "Hey now, it's fine, we're still friends" Dream said reassuringly

"Thanks dude" Sapnap replied quietly, awkwardly rubbing his arms "Why'd you even get with her?" the blonde asked, Sap looked away "I do fine all by myself but I was feeling kinda lonely, I wanted someone to hug and hold and talk to everyday... she seemed perfect when I first laid eyes on her but she caused so many fucking problems!" he hissed, gritting his teeth and digging his nails into his arms

Dream lifted his hand and wrapped it around Sap's shoulders, pulling the ravenette close to his chest "Shhh, you're okay now, you can stay here with me! I'll get out of my dorm and see If I can arrange to do my courses online" Sapnap sniffled "Wait- really? Can I stay here?" Dream nodded "Of course, you're my best friend"

"Woo!" Sapnap yawned and wrapped his arms around Dream's torso "You're warm, like a human heater" Dream chuckled "Can you, maybe, let go of me?" Sapnap shook his head, hair bouncing with each movement "You're big, warm and cuddly, I'm comfortable so deal with it"

The taller male sighed "This all over again, huh? Alright then, two can play this game" he wrapped both arms around Sap's waist and hoisted him up "Wha- put me down!" Sapnap grumbled, Dream flicked the hallway light off and walked back to his bed, flopping down on his back while tightly holding the other "Very funny, bitch, now let me go" Sap demanded

Dream wheezed as the ravenette squirmed "Nope, I'm going back to sleep" he closed his eyes while Sapnap gave up and lay his head down, eyes drifting shut as well

Eh, this isn't that bad, at least I'm not lying alone


Dream opened his eyes and tried to sit up but Sapnap was sprawled out on his chest, one leg hanging off the bed and the rest draped over Dream. He smiled fondly and put his head back down on the pillow, grabbed his phone from the bedside stand and opened everyone's FAVOURITE app, twitter

He spent about ten to fifteen minutes on it before switching to tiktok, he made sure to keep the volume down low but it didn't help because in the still and silent house, every little noise was amplified by a hundred. Dream was holding in his laughter when Sapnap rubbed his eyes and lifted his head "Ughhhhh I feel terrible" he groaned

"Well good morning, sleeping beauty" Dream laughed, Sap slapped at his arm "Shhhhuuuut up dude, my head is like, you know, my face feels but my head" Sapnap trailed off "That was a great description, understood it like it was my own thought" Dream mocked

Sap grunted and put his head back down on Dream's chest, listening to his heartbeat as he closed his eyes again "I've never felt so hungover, what the fuuuck, I've drunk more than this but this is something entirely new" The blonde gave him a couple pats on the back "Shhhh, just go back to sleep Pandas, I'll get you some water and medicine"

"Mhmmm" Sapnap mumbled, letting his eyes flutter closed "G'night Dream"

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