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As the ear splitting sirens rang through the SMP, Sapnap ran to the room where Dream's stuff still sat, netherite armour glinting with multiple enchantments. He traced the perfectly crafted and fitted chestplate before slipping off his own armour and strapping on Dream's set, placing his own armour into his inventory pack before settling down against the wall to wait for the infamous masked man. As if just thinking about him was a summoning call, Dream waltzed down the stairs in a different set of armour, wielding a shimmering axe "Sapnap!" he said cheerfully, sliding the weapon back into the holster

Sapnap pulled out the axe of peace "Dream" he replied quietly, tears pricking his eyes but he used the back of his hand to wipe them away "Why are you crying? You should be happy to see me" Dream asked "I told you what would happen if you got out..." Sapnap hissed "Just give me the axe of peace, Sap, I'll run far away and never bother anyone"

"You think I'm just going to let you go!? I know what you did to Tommy, Ranboo... Ghostbur. You're a monster!" he yelled, a single, salty tear slowly dripping down his pink cheeks, Dream just grinned "I only did what was necessary to obtain power" Sapnap clenched his fists, tears falling faster and harder "You've hurt so many people, ruined so many lives but I'm going to fix it... I'm going to make everyone proud because I'm going to do what I should have done the moment you blew up the nation"

Dream dropped the false smile "Sapnap, it doesn't have to be like this, just give me the axe and you'll never see me again, you won't have to deal with murder on your conciousness" Sapnap let out a quiet breath and whispered "But I don't want to never see you again..."

Dream was shocked, jaw slacking as the younger dropped the weapon, letting himself crumple to the ground as well, shaking and heaving with full on sobs that wracked his body "I don't want you to leave" he repeated "You've done bad stuff but you're still my friend, my best friend and I love you" "You... love me?"

"Yes, you s-stupid bitch, I do" he sniffled and Dream stepped over, crouching down to embrace the other, feeling the tears soak into his hoodie but he didn't mind "I love you too, Sap, I promise I won't leave you" Sapnap looked up at him "But you can't stay here, they'll kill you or lock you back up in that horrid obsidian box" Dream thought for a second "I'll leave, come with me Sapnap, we can start over far away from here!" he said excitedly

"R-really?" the boy asked, surprised but the blonde nodded his head frantically "Yes but we have to move fast, let's swap armour but keep yours off so I can carry you easier" Sapnap frowned "Carry? I can walk perfectly fine" he pushed away from his friend and stood up, wobbling as he tentatively took a step "I have ender pearls, we'll travel easier, just trust me" Sapnap wrapped an arm around Dream's shoulders as the blonde swapped their armour, tossing the unneeded set back onto the stand before scooping up Sap, grabbing an ender pearl out of his pocket and making his way back up to the surface

(Basically he is getting a free piggyback ride) Sapnap rested his chin on Dream's shoulder, smiling softly as they set off into the forest on the outskirts of the SMP, moving further away from everyone with each pearl

A/N I like this but I need to make it sadder

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