💚I need you here with me💔

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CW: Neglect of self, grief

A shaky sigh escaped his mouth as he stepped over, a small smile danced over the blonde's lips as he slowly reached up, chains clanking, and gently wiped the tears from the ravenette's porcelain cheeks. Sapnap used one of his own hands to hold the taller male's and keep it pressed to his face, leaning into the warmth as he stared into those deep emerald eyes, getting lost in their infinite depth like he always used to do

They stood there in comfortable silence for a long time, just cherishing their final moments together for as long as they could, both of them knowing that this would be the last time they ever saw each other. Eventually, the Warden walked over and hooked a second chain around the ones cuffing Dream's bloodied wrists "Right, time's up" He said gruffly with as little emotion as possible, Sapnap let out a whine of protest as he reached out for the blonde, craving his touch cradling his cheek once again, but there was nothing that he could do

Dream turned and looked over his shoulder with a pained expression, longing in his eyes as he stared back at the boy, he suddenly stopped and murmured something to the Warden who reluctantly nodded, Dream peeled his hoodie off and revealed his vibrant orange jumpsuit before he clicked off his mask and handed them to the Warden "For you" He said in that same gravelly voice as he tossed the items over to the ravenette behind him, Sapnap scrambled to catch them before they hit the ground and squeezed them in his arms "T-thank you" He whispered as hot tears bubbled up behind his eyes again, the Warden gave him a small nod as a flicker of... pity... flashed across his face before he turned and continued walking, leading the convict towards the towering gates of the ominous prison known as 'Pandora's vault'


Days... weeks... even months passed

Several of Sapnap's friends stopped by to check on the boy but, no matter what they tried, they couldn't so much as squeeze a smile out of him. He refused to eat, drink or even get out of his bed unless absolutely necessary, Punz came by every day to coerce him into eating the smallest of things along with drinking a cup of water but even then, Sap didn't consume much more than a few sips of water and a mouthful or two of food against his will

All he did was lay on top of the covers of the bed while wearing Dream's hoodie and hugging the chipped ceramic mask close to his chest. He pulled the hood up and let himself sink into the soft fabric of the clothing, the familiar scent of Dream's cologne still lingering despite having been washed but he didn't care... in fact, sometimes when he was feeling especially bad, he would sniff it and pretend that the blonde was still there with him

Still laying there... in the bed made for two... that was now only occupied by one...

A fit of dry sobs wracked his body, no silvery tears dripping down his cheeks since he'd already cried his eyes dry, his cheeks were flustered and his face had salty trails of dried tears running down it. Once he'd finally caught his breath, he let out a few staggered sighs as he trembled and tightened his grip on the mask before lifting it up into his line of sight

He reached out and lightly traced a single finger down the simple mask before biting down on his quivering bottom lip to keep from crying out, he moved his free hand up to his head and tucked his wild hair behind his ears before shakily snapping the mask onto his own face, pulling the hood of the hoodie back over his head as he slid out of bed and stepped in front of his wall length mirror. It felt strangely nice to stare at himself with the mask on, seeing it on an actual person made it easier to imagine that Dream was with him and that cheered him up ever so slightly... not nearly enough to garner a smile of any kind though

He felt so... vulnerable. Frail and weak behind the mask of emotions that he put up like a wall but now it had all come crumbling down. Small and powerless beneath the fabric of his oversized clothing. Torn and broken and unloved without the warmth from the touch of his best friend... his partner... holding his trembling hand

Sapnap reached a hand up and brushed his fingertips over the smooth mask, feeling the coolness of the ceramic beneath his untrimmed digits. A drawn out mix between a sigh and a whimper left his chapped lips as he continued his void of thoughts about the taller male. No matter how hard he thought, no matter how vivid his imagination... he knew that Dream wasn't really there and he never would be

"Please..." He pleaded, desperation filling his voice "I need you here with me..."

"I can't do this all on my own"

A/N Thinking about adding Purpled as Punz's brother, y'know, just so I can add more angst... what do y'all think

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