💛I beat that boy with a bat✨🔪

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A/N hehe I finally got around to writing more yandere content, this is a lot tamer than the last one but oh well

"Heyyy baby~"

Somebody rested a hand on his shoulder, he rolled his eyes "What do you want now, Jeremy? Don't you have something better to do?"

"Don't be salty, gorgeous, I know that you lov-"

Quackity flung his free hand back and punched Jeremy in the nose "No, I fucking despise you, now stop bothering me or else" Jeremy wiped the blood off of his face as Quackity turned to glare at him "Whatever" he spat and walked away, grumbling under his breath but he perked up suddenly and hurried off

What is he doing now? Whatever, as long as he leaves me alone

"Wha- fuck off! Don't touch me!" he heard someone yell, looking up as he slipped his phone into his pocket "Oh ho ho, now you're REALLY gonna get it" he laughed under his breath and reached behind him, grabbing his bat from it's sling

"Oh come on, cutie, we're just having a bit of fun!" Jeremy wrapped an arm around their waist, Quackity came up behind him and raised his arms, swinging the bat and slamming it into the side of his head, Jeremy fell over and clutched his head as blood slowly dripped down onto the pavement. He looked up with a terrified expression, Quackity maliciously grinned at him, casually resting the blood splattered bat on his shoulder "W-hat was that for!?"

"Oh you stupid, stupid little thing" Quackity sugarcoated his voice with feigned innocence "Hitting on me is so pathetic that it's funny but you so much as glance at him again and i'll make sure that you never see the light of day again... now scram"

Jeremy hurriedly got up and stumbled off, Quackity turned to look at Sapnap "Good morning babe, how're you?"

"I'm doing okay, just a bit tired I guess" Sapnap shrugged, watching his boyfriend scare the shit out of anyone who 'got too close to him' was a pretty regular thing "Wanna go grab some coffee from Niki's bakery?"

"Of course darling"

"What's with the pet names?" Sapnap laughed and grabbed Quackity's hand "Do you not like them? I can stop if you want, I don't want to make you uncomfortable" "No worries, you're not making me uncomfortable, I kinda like it" Quackity used his free hand to place his bat back into the sling, wiping the blood from his hand onto his pants and sighing with relief "Alright babe, let's go"

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