💜Is this... love?✨

186 7 14

A/N uWu I rolled my motherfucking ankle

"Hey! Time to get up or else you're gonna be late to your first day of school"

Sapnap shot awake, bolting upright with wide eyes and quickly trying to get off of his bed. The ravenette's limbs got tangled up in his covers and he fell to the floor, ensnared in his blankets and unable to move a muscle without worsening the entanglement "Shit-"


He took a deep breath, letting his eyelids flutter, before shaking himself off and starting to make his inside. Sapnap kept his arms tightly crossed over his chest as he walked, nervously glancing around as he headed towards his first class of the day... according to his timetable

What if I walk into the wrong class..? What if I was given the wrong time table? What if i'm already late to class?

His head started to throb so he brought an arm up to block the bright fluorescent lights that constantly flickered, shielding his eyes as his mind raced with more worries. Sapnap's face contorted with each sudden thought, getting more and more paranoid that something embarrassing was going to happen at any moment

What if there's a uniform that I don't know about? Is what i'm wearing against a possible dress code? How stupid do I look right now... just wandering aimlessly down this hall?

Sapnap used his free hand to reach behind himself and pull his headphones out of his backpack, slipping them on before tugging his hood up and over his head to hide his ears

What if somebody wants to be friends... how do I politely decline them without looking like a total asshole? What if I don't actually have any of the right books? What if I accidentally walk into the wrong bathroom? What if-

In the midst of all of his anxious thoughts, he had completely zoned out of his physical self and only ended up snapping back to reality when he felt himself collide with a tall figure. He fell backwards and landed on his ass on the smooth tiles that were previously underfoot, hissing in pain as he rubbed his tailbone

They looked down at him in surprise, obviously not expecting somebody to walk straight into him, but quickly shook it off as they crouched down and grabbed Sapnap's headphones to hand them back to him "Sorry! Didn't see you there... you must not have seen me either" They laughed in a cheery voice, getting back up before extending a hand to Sapnap. He seemed to freeze in place, completely paralysed as he gazed up at the brunette

"Are you... okay?" They asked with a puzzled expression "My name's Karl Jacobs, can I know yours?"

He didn't notice the sudden rush of blood flowing to his face, almost entirely oblivious to the gentle burn of his cheeks as they shifted to a soft pinkish peach colour. Karl inched forwards and waved his other hand in front of the ravenette "Hellooooo! Anybody home?"

Sapnap rapidly blinked his eyes as he focused on the situation at hand, realising that he was expected to answer "Uhh... h-hi!" He mumbled as he reached his hand out to let Karl grab it and pull him back up onto his feet "Sorry for... err... running into you" The brunette flashed a friendly grin "We're good, don't worry bout' it! Hang on... I don't think that i've seen you here before... are you new?"

"Uhmm... yeah, actually, first day today..." Sapnap replied "My name's Sapnap, Sapnap Pandas... you don't happen to know where room nineteen is, do you?"

Karl gasped happily "I do! That's MY homeroom, that means that you must be in my class... can I see your timetable? Only if you want to share it, of course! No pressure, i'm not gonna stalk or anything, I swear-" Sapnap took his bag off and held it in front of him, digging around in the front pocket until he pulled out the small laminated sheet with a multicoloured grid of classes, it covered the whole school week and would barely change throughout the year

The brunette took it from his hands and raked his eyes over it, his grin growing with each passing moment "We've got almost all of the same classes! I'm with you for period one, two, three and five... then, of course, interval and lunch period because we're all released for break at the same time! So, you'll have at least one friend in most of your classes"

"A... a friend?" Sapnap questioned, tilting his head to the side as he gripped the strap of his backpack that was slung over his shoulder with one hand and used the other to brush his long messy-ish hair out of his eyes. Karl nodded "Yeah, me! You seem kinda cool and I LOVE your cat socks, they've both got tiny little ears and faces, they're cute socks"

Sapnap hurriedly glanced down and back up at Karl, sheepishly scratching the nape of his neck "Well... thanks" He said "But I don't really think that you wanna be friends with me, man, surely there are better people to hang out with... i'm just that weird kid who sits in the back of the class" Karl grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him "Hey! Don't talk about yourself like that, m'kay?"

The sudden motion caused Sapnap's hood to slip off and left his head uncovered, Karl fell silent and Sapnap stiffened, squeezing his eyes shut as he readied himself for the next words out of the brunette's mouth... but... they weren't really what he expected

"Oh my god... you're so pretty!"

"I- huh?"

Karl reached a hand out and lightly brushed his fingertips against the soft fur of the bear-like pair of ears "These are adorable! You shouldn't hide them" Sapnap went nuclear red and almost fell backwards, just barely being caught by the brunette, as he felt his heartbeat speed up

Is this... what... love feels like?

He looked up at Karl's genuine smile, feeling his cheeks get even hotter out of sheer flustered embarrassment just because he was crushing so hard on this guy

It feels... nice

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