💙Guard dog✨

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I swear I'm not dead😅✋


TW// Bullying & Homophobia ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

George was walking down the halls, slumped over and dragging his feet over the linoleum flooring as he dreaded the near future, contemplating ways to avoid it but that would make it worse

Rough hands shoved him against the lockers lining the walls Right on time He thought bitterly as a short bark of laughter went ringing through his ears "Look who's back, I thought I told you not to come back" George clenched his fists and forced himself to look them in the eyes. Grey-green eyes stared into his soul, picking out all his insecurities and using them against him, chipping away at George's self-esteem until it was nothing more than the rubble it started off as 

"What do you want, Troy" he said sarcastically, Troy dug his nails in harder "You know..." then he stepped back, George rubbed his shoulders and braced himself as the first hit collided with his face, pain swirled through George's mind and the next hit just dragged him further into the haze, back to his own little world 

Everything was a blur until a familiar voice pulled him back to reality "George!?" He looked over, warm blood trickled down onto his chin and eyes unfocused, he must've looked half dead, they ran over and shoved Troy down, snarling

"Get away from him, you freak" 

Troy scrambled up and stalked off down the hallway, scowling. They turned to look at George so he blinked his eyes "Oh, hey Sapnap" George rubbed his head and shakily stood up, wincing

"George what the fuck? Why are you so calm?" Sapnap narrowed his eyes, ears flat against his head "Oh, this is a daily thing, don't worry ab-" "DAILY!?" he screeched "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?"

George looked down at his feet, sighing "I didn't want to worry you"

Sapnap shook his head "This just won't do, go to the nurses and then meet me outside the principals office" George nodded and headed off towards the sick bay while Sapnap scampered off to see the principal

-Time skip-

When George arrived at the principals office, band-aid on his nose and some ointment for swelling on his cheek, he was confused as Sapnap was shut out of the office with a grin "Gogy! I got my classes changed! Now I'm in all of your classes with you!"

"Wha- how?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow

Sapnap looked guilty "I uhhh, may have bitten theprincipalonthearm"

George sighed "Oh well, let's just go to class now, first period is health" Sapnap bounded along after him, tail wagging and snapping his jaws at anyone who got a bit too close for his liking

-Time skip brought to you by Sapnaps NICKnames-

George felt safe, the safest he's ever felt since he first started school as they strolled down the path "Hey, are you like my guard dog now?" He joked and Sapnap gave him a deadpan look "I am not a dog, I am a wolf" George rolled his eyes "Same thing really"

Sapnap gasped and clutched his chest "Wolves are MUCH better than your domesticated mutts" George side shoved him "Much more annoying" Sapnap stopped in front of George, hands on his hips and looking up at him "What" George asked but Sampam just slapped his arm

George grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him close & growled "Do that again, I dare you" Sapnap yanked his arm away with a pout and slapped him again before running off down the pavement, George sprinted after him with a laugh "Get back here mister!" Sapnap turned back and poked his tongue out "Catch me if you can!"

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