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CW: Lemon? Is that what it's called? I forgot

The overhead lights dimmed and changed from a deep blood red to a, much softer, baby blue that highlighted the ruffles of his skirt as he stepped onto the stage, gripping the smooth steel pole with his slender fingers as he gave a quick twirl to the small crowd, the skirt flared up slightly but he flattened it back down. He readjusted the clip on ears that sat on his head, gripping tufts of his sleek black hair, before kicking off his black heels, leaving him in the black and white spotted knee high stockings

He smiled and blew a kiss to a random guy in the audience who was sitting up the back before placing his other hand on the pole and turning to face it, kicking his legs up and pulling himself up to the roof where a pair of metal hoops hung. He gripped one in each hand and began his usual routine of flipping, twisting and hanging upside down

Before he knew it, his time was up and he dropped to the floor, picked up his discarded shoes and strutted off stage towards the bar where he was served a drink on the house "From the guy at the end" the bartender laughed "He's a newcomer, 'aven't seen him here before"

Sapnap nodded and took a sip of the sour concoction, it was pretty good, when the man responsible for the free beverage waltzed on over, dark hair and greyish blue eyes, and wrapped an arm around the younger's waist, Sapnap slipped out of his grasp and tutted "Nuh uh uh, no touchin', club rules cutie" he then proceeded to reach over and boop the man's nose before turning and walking off to the backrooms, making sure to shake his hips as he felt the male's eyes on him

He pushed the heavy door open and stepped into the refreshingly cool air of the backrooms where the club stored extra seats, racks of clothes and the makeshift dressing rooms for its workers. Sapnap stepped into his room, which he shared with another male, and locked the door behind him, an arm slithered around his shoulders as a brunette sighs "Hey Georgie" Sapnap cooes

"You did good tonight" George mutters, a trace of anger dashed across his features, barely noticeable but the raven picks it up "Thanks, is there anything you wanted to.. Tell me?" George shrugs and looks away "Maybe"

Sapnap playfully shoves him "C'mon Gogy, you know that you can tell me anything!" the brunette sighs and fiddles with his fingers "You're really good at the acrobatics and I know it's your job but I can't help feeling jealous and it fucking sucks"

"Jealous? Are you jealous of.. Me? You have a better job, you get paid good tips just for sitting in some middle aged man's lap and looking pretty" Sapnap questioned, George shook his head, fluffy hair bouncing with each movement "I'm jealous of everyone else, they stare at you with such lust in their disgusting eyes, I hate it, I hate how they look at you but I can't do the same without the risk of being fired" he huffed

The shorter male was taken aback "Are you confessing your fucking love or am I having a stroke!?" George laughed "I like ya' Sapnap, I like you a lot"

"I like you too, Georgie, but I don't want to get fired either" Sapnap said dejectedly

"Well, nobody has to know... just hide any bruises with makeup because you don't get up close to any customers~" he said as he shifted his arm down to Sapnap's waist, he kissed the ravenette as he pinned the him against the dusty wall, moaning slightly before they broke apart, each taking in a deep breath of air "Let's head back to the apartment, club closes in 10 minutes" George suggested, the other nodded and they split apart, Sapnap adjusting his white crop top and smoothing out the wrinkles in his skirt as the two males exited the dressing room, leaving through the back door and calling a cab home to their shared apartment

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