💚Just let me adore you✨💔🔪

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CW//Possessiveness. Obsession. Stalking.

A/N Welp, there you go, took me a while because I procrastinated... And wow, that's a lot of emojis-.

When Sapnap had stumbled across the ruler of the Overworld, a literal deity, the wolf hybrid's first instinct wasn't to stick around long enough for him to find out their personality, it was to run away as fast and as far as he possibly could. Sadly to say, and much to his annoyance, the god had taken a quote unquote 'liking' to him... Or rather, they were seemingly infatuated... And that, on its own, was quite terrifying.

That same god following him around for the next couple of days, nonstop, was even scarier... He'd head off into the woods to collect materials for Kinoko, the kingdom that he was building with one of his best friends, Karl... And out of the corner of his eye, he'd see the nine ft figure just standing there, a whole lot more menacing than he would've expected.

Finally, he'd had enough of this bullshit, and went to find the god to tell them to... Well... Fuck off. It wasn't hard to locate them, as they were never very far away, so he ran over and cleared his throat. The deity cocked their head to the side, their mask practically melting away and revealing two sets of lime green eyes, one pair no bigger than a dollar coin. "Yes, pup..?" The gravelly voice asked.

"Yeah, no, don't call me that...," Sapnap groaned, flattening his ears against his head in an attempt to hide them as he folded his arms across his chest. "I just wanna know... Why the heck are you just following me!?

"After ruling the pitiful land of the Overworld realm for so long, i've gotten terribly lonely... So I found someone to rule it by my side... Or rather, be my dearest darling, a priceless treasure to just absolutely die for... To remain within my palace with me...," The god purred, settling into a velvety smooth register. "Another mortal to stay with me... Forever..."


As the days passed, Sapnap grew more and more desperate to get rid of the stupid god, even resorting to not eating or drinking anything that was given to him until the god practically forced him into doing both, obviously agitated with their human's stubborn refusal to just accept their gifts... He'd attempted to shake them off a few too many times, always resulting in him taking one step too far (After somehow convincing XD to go search for something.) before the deity snap-teleported right back.

The god was beginning to get a bit fed up, sure, they'd waited YEARS to find the perfect replacement for their past partner... But Sapnap just didn't seem to want to cooperate, he was being childish and selfish, and XD was starting to feel irritated. So, they took a few hours while the raveonette was sleeping to think up a way to convince the neko into being tethered to them, to lock him into some sort of deal, just like they'd done for that mushroom man... George...

After completing that, they went out and found the boy collecting logs in a nearby forest, so they crept over and whispered. "Boo-!" Sapnap just about jumped about twenty feet into the air in surprise, freezing up for a moment before whipping around to glare at XD. "What do you want now!?"

Narrowing his eyes, the deity took both of Sapnap's hands in one of his own and backed him up against a tree. "Now, that's really no way to walk to your god, you know..." They hissed. "I..." Sapnap started, but didn't further protest, ears drooping, as he didn't really want to deal with the repercussions of an extremely angry deity... He let his bristling tail drop to the ground as he sighed, barely struggling against the god.

"You never responded to my deal... Darling... And that was QUITE rude...," They grumbled, still keeping his hands pinned above his head, while they let their other arm rest on Sapnap's shoulder. "It was a generous offer... You're being granted access to most anything that you could ever desire... All for the small price of just letting me adore you... Staying by my side, forever, until the end of time itself or your mortal soul crumbles away on the day you die..."

Sapnap squirmed uncomfortably, specifically in his own skin... Was he really about to sell, what, his soul? Sell his soul to this god? To serve as nothing but temporary entertainment for XD??? Then again... The deity wasn't going to start a country without him, the deity wasn't going to lose their memory, the deity wasn't going to end up in prison, and the deity wasn't going to succumb to some STUPID EGG-...

In some small way... He felt like he was finding some sort of replacement for his best friend in this figure... And he despised it... Like how he hated the way that his mind seemed to fawn over the fact that XD closely resembled Dream... How he hated the way that the god was so commanding and imposing... As well as obnoxiously tall... But still had the ability to be soft and tender towards him... Just like his 'gentle' giant of a best friend... And damnnit, if he didn't secretly somehow love just how small the towering god made him feel... As if he wasn't already short compared to the rest of the server, with people like Wilbur and Ranboo roaming the place.

"I..." He started.

"So..?" XD prompted, so close that Sapnap could feel their hot breath on his face.

"I accept..." The raveonette whispered and felt the pressure on his arms be released, letting him rub his wrists with a quiet whimper.

"Delightful, my darling... You made the right choice...," The god breathed, eyes sparkling with excitement. "Oh... My dear, PVP, it's just like you never left me..." Sapnap heard them mumble the second part, but couldn't make it out. "What was that..?" He questioned confusedly.

"Nothing, my angel, nothing to pay any mind to..."

A/N IRL Valorant AU??? I mean... It sounds pretty interesting...

 It sounds pretty interesting

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