💚Mockingbird pt2💔

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Dreams POV

There, the old junkyard. I walked over to it, pushing the gate open and walking inside, I heard it clang shut, It smells gross in here, like something died. I saw something out of the corner of my eye, a tail disappearing around a pile of broken machinery and heard aluminium cans crushing under pressure, I just hope I'm not eaten before I can talk to him

"Hello?" I call "I need to talk to you" I saw him step out from around a corner "Well hey there Dream" he smirked "Where's George? And your little posse of police?" I sighed "Look, I need your help with something "Depends, is there a reward?" He asked excitedly "Well, I suppose I could pay you if you help me" He gave a smile "Then sure, I'll hear your little favour"

I smiled weakly "Well, I managed to catch someone today but It just seemed... a bit easy, too easy" He shrugged "What do you want me to do about it? I'm not apart of any little 'Gangs' I rob banks and shit for the money, I live in a dump and throw explosives at people, I'm out here living my best life"

"I need your help determining something though" I pleaded and he nodded "What is it?" "Okay, I can't tell if he wanted to be arrested, could there be some bigger plan, am I putting everyone in more danger?" "Who did you catch?" He asked "Sapnap" he looked thoughtful for a second "Yeah, probably, I'm guessing he does have a bigger plan in action because I raised that boy well" "Okay th- wait, raised?" Skeppy shrugged "He lived with me for a while, I'm pretty much his father figure but no, we aren't technically related" "Well how do I stop him?" "Don't ask me, you bitch, why would I even tell you?" He laughed at me and I pulled my axe out, pointing it at him "Don't mock me, the only reason you're here, untouched and unfound is because of me"

"Well you're not a very good 'hero' then, are you?" That was it, I raised my axe up to his chest "I'm taking you back to the station" "Actually" he snapped his fingers "I don't think you will" Suddenly, the 9ft demon reared up behind him, hissing at me as it flared it's wings, I lowered my axe "Haha, kidding, I'll be going now" I ran out of the junkyard as fast as I could

Skeppys POV

"Awww Bad, you look so scary" I joked as he settled down again, switching back to his 'human' form, he was slightly shorter than me and still had his horns, his tail and a splotch of demon skin covered his right eye, which was pure white like his demon form eyes unlike his left eye, which was now green "I know" he smiled and I smiled back, giving him a quick pat on the head before grabbing some food "He wont be back for a looooong time"

Third person POV

Dream sighed, slowing to a walk as he reached his house, locking the door behind him then he settles down on his couch, he switched the tv on but didn't pay mind to them, he flicked through shows although none of them held his attention for longer than 5 minutes

He sat there contemplating, was this a good idea? No, no definitely not but he decided to do it anyways, standing up and throwing the door open, setting off for the catacombs once again. He flashed his ID card and let himself into the pristine white hallways, Dream set off towards Sapnap's cell to make sure the ravenette was still locked up

When he was close enough he could see smoke flowing out of the cells air vent and clouding the air. How would there be enough fire for this much smoke!? There's nothing to burn. He ran over and spotted the source of the large black cloud, It was officer Tessa, she was lying on her side with flames creeping up her legs "TESS!?" he cried out, hitting the silent alarm button next to the cell door

Sapnap stood up and quickly stepped over his sisters scorched body, pressing his palms up against the glass which was still letting him see out "Why?" was all that Dream could stutter out, Sapnap gave him a horrified stare  "She walked in here... I- I- I don't know what came over me" he slid down the window and curled up into a ball with his back facing Dream "This isn't something you can do accidentally" Dream choked back a sob as he removed his gaze from his former best friend's body

"Shut up shut up!" Sapnap retorted, staring down at his hands while curling + uncurling them "Do you feel good about this!? Is everything just a game to you" he snapped back, wiping the tears from his eyes. Sapnap seemed to fall out of a trance and suddenly stood up again, clenching his fists "Why don't you come in here and find out?"

"She was your sister... your own flesh and blood"

"When will you realize... I'm the bad guy, the evil one, I DESERVE to be in here" Sapnap laughed "But don't you worry, I won't be in here for long... just kick back and watch the show unfold" he snapped his fingers and suddenly a ring of fire formed around Dream's feet "Hey! What- HOW?" he scrambled back

"I know you're scared of me... I'm scared of me too and that's fucking pathetic" he started hitting his head and muttering under his breath "Just let me out Dream, I'll spare you and your idiotic friends" Dream shook his head firmly "Nope, I can keep everyone safe by keeping you trapped here"


"Forever, you motherfucking monster" he spat, stepping into Sapnap's cell to retrieve Tess's body, Sapnap huffed and sat curled up in the furthest corner "You wish" he muttered angrily, Dream slammed the door shut behind him, switched the protective glass back to one-way and passed her smoldering body to the officers who had come running after he hit the alarm "She's long gone" he told them sadly before turning back to the arsonist, Sapnap had fire twisting along his arms "If I'm being honest, I feel like a god" he chuckled, reaching his arm out towards Dream and letting the fire spiral off his fingertips, it crashed against the glass and caused it to fracture

Dream stepped back instinctively, moving aside as one of Sapnap's fire spears rushed past him "Fuck" he hissed, grabbing his axe and swinging it towards the hole in the glass as he lowered into a defensive stance. Sapnap stepped out and took a deep breath "Ahhh, it was getting kinda stuffy in there" he narrowed his eyes and made eye contact with the blonde "I can see how this is gonna go" Sapnap's eyes seemed to glaze over, he looked like he was a hundred miles away

Suddenly he snapped back into focus, seconds later the lights faltered and left them in the pitch black "Get back in your cell, I won't hesitate to use lethal force" Dream said as he looked around, trying to spot the criminal but to no avail. Just as he was about to pull out his phone for light, he felt cold steel against his throat "Uh uh uh" Sapnap tutted "I've got something to do"

Sapnap shoved Dream over and sat down on his back, pinning the taller man's arms to his side using his legs "I'll take this, thank you very much" he stole Dream's ID card and started laughing "This is just too easy" he grabbed the handcuffs he had originally been wearing and clicked them around Dream's wrists before swiping it against another sensor

A loud click echoed through the air and all the cell doors opened, at least 12 other people stepped out and glanced over at Sapnap "Hello people, I've got one little task for you... go outside, keep those fuckers busy for me would ya?" he skipped over to the main door while ignoring Dream's protests and swiped the card again, letting everyone out

He turned around and saw someone making their way over to Dream "Ay, no" Sapnap tossed another fiery spear towards them, it whizzed right over them and singed their hair, the offending villain backed away from the blonde fearfully and ran past Sapnap out of the catacombs

Sapnap crouched down next to Dream and brushed his hair out of his eyes "Bye bye, pretty boy, I know exactly who I'm killing first" he licked his lips and stalked out of the smoky hallway

A/N: Again, not proofread

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