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A/N Thunder is poggers :D

Dream was sitting at his desk and editing a video on his main monitor when he saw the familiar flash of lightning and the booming sound of thunder not long after, he saved his work and wheeled over to the window on his rolling chair, he rested his elbows on the windowsill and gazed outside with a smile. Dream had always loved storms, they'd fascinated him ever since he was a little kid, he suddenly got the urge to find Sapnap and show him the great view of the storm from his window

He left his room and walked downstairs "Sap? Are you in the kitchen?" He asked as he looked around the living room without spotting him, he moved rooms and searched the kitchen but Sapnap wasn't there either "Hmmm, maybe he's upstairs in his room, he might be streaming" He quickly grabbed his phone out of his pocket and checked his notifications "Nope, he hasn't gone live and he hasn't organized a recording so he might just be playing for fun"

He ran back up the stairs "Saaaapnap, what are you doing? Are you asleep or something?" He made his way down the hallway and knocked on Sapnap's door "Heellloooooo" There was no answer so he walked over to the bathroom door and knocked "Sapnap?" There was still no reply so Dream just returned to his own room and sat down "Huh, he must have gone out without telling me, probably because I had my door shut and he didn't want to distract me, thoughtful of him"

He continued editing his video with one ear of the headset off so that he could listen to the storm, every flash of lightning and crack of thunder made him smile, he had a strange feeling in his stomach but he kept ignoring it and going back to work

Eventually he gave in to the feeling, he just knew that something was wrong, he looked out of his window again and saw that Sapnap's car was still here "He never left... is he asleep? No, even with a terrible sleep schedule like his he wouldn't be asleep right now" He muttered under his breath, a sinking feeling filled his stomach and he had the sudden urge to check Sapnap's room again

He saved his progress on editing and switched his monitor off, quickly opening his door and walking down the hall again, he knocked on Sapnap's door "Sapnap? Are you here?" Nobody answered him, there was no light coming out of the crack beneath the door, he grabbed the handle and swung the door open "Sapnap this isn't funny, are you in here? I'm getting worried"

The curtains were drawn and most of the bedding had been shoved onto the floor, Dream slowly walked further into the room when he spotted someone sitting in the middle of the bed, they seemed to be shaking slightly so he walked over "Sapnap what are you doing?" Dream asked "I looked all over the house for you, why didn't you answer me"

Sapnap had his eyes squeezed shut and didn't respond, his knees were drawn up to his chest and he had his blanket draped over his shoulders, his messy black hair partially covered his face and there were wet tracks running down his cheeks "Sap..?" He said quietly, Sapnap looked up at him with glassy eyes and a frightened expression "Dre?" He replied, Dream knew that Sapnap was dead serious just by of the nickname, the ravenette only called him that when he was really sad or scared

He sat down on the bed next to Sapnap "What's wrong, Pandas?" He said in a soothing voice, wrapping an arm around his shoulders "I-I don't like the st-storm" Sapnap replied, his breathing riddled with hiccups and small sobs, Dream's eyes widened as the realization hit him

Shit, how did I forget about this, i'm a terrible boyfriend

"It's okay, Pandas, i've got you" He muttered "You don't have to be afraid, i'm right here, just focus on breathing" Sapnap rested his head on Dream's shoulder and took a deep breath, another clap of thunder sounded and Sapnap jumped, Dream pulled him onto his lap and wrapped both arms around him, Sapnap quickly buried his face in the crook of Dream's neck "Shhh... it's okay, baby, it's just a bit of thunder" Dream said, the boy whimpered as fresh tears spilled down his cheeks

Dream shifted him so that they were face to face, foreheads pressed together "Look at me, Sap, you'll be okay! You're fine, the storm can't hurt you, you're safe"

"You p-promise?" He said in a shaky whisper

"I promise" He said, planting a gentle kiss on the ravenette's soft lips, Sapnap cracked the smallest of smiles as he rested his chin on Dream's shoulder again, the blonde reached down and grabbed the blanket that had fallen onto the floor, wrapping it around both of them. They stayed like that until the storm passed and Sap's tears had dried up, his choked sobs replaced with quiet snores, Dream let out a sigh of relief as he looked down at his partner's peaceful face "I'm so sorry that I forgot" He mumbled more to himself than anyone else "I'll remember next time, I promise" He chuckled quietly "Pinky promise"

A/N So much motivation to write, no idea what to write, is this what writers block feels like?

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