🧡Night terrors💔

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CW: Vomiting, pills, sad wolfy boy o_o idk man i'm just sad rn

He woke up with a start, cold sweat dripping down his forehead while his blood was pumping, his cheeks were damp with fresh tears, he looked down at his hands and clenched them into fists as the salty tears dripped onto them, he swivelled his ears so that they were facing sideways and flattened them against his head

He felt like he couldn't breathe properly, his chest felt constricted and his throat felt like it had closed up completely, each breath came out as a choked sob and every waking moment made him feel worse. There was a painful feeling in his stomach so he scrambled up and ran to the bathroom, dropping to his knees in front of the toilet just in time

The acidic liquid in his throat hurt like hell as he threw it up into the toilet bowl, he stood up and flushed before washing his hands and walking over to Dream's room, he knocked on the door but there was no answer "Dre..?" He asked quietly as he pulled the handle down and stepped into the room, it was completely empty

He whimpered quietly as he walked further into the room, he saw Dream's hoodie laying on the bed so he grabbed it and slipped it on over his head, the familiar scent was comforting and the fabric of the hoodie was quite soft. Sapnap left the room and returned to his own one, laying down on the bed with a sniffle, he wrapped his arms around himself and curled up into a ball, squeezing his eyes shut

Why, why now, why did you have to go when I need you

Usually he'd wake up from a nightmare and feel like this but he would always go to Dream's room to gently shake him awake, the pair would then go out to the living room and watch something aimed more towards the younger demographic until Sapnap fell asleep again, Dream had never once complained about being woken up so early and never questioned him about the nightmares, his only words would be comforting whispers

His chest was heaving and his breathing was riddled with hiccupy sobs, he slowly stood up again and stumbled back to the bathroom, slamming the door behind him as he gripped the sink in front of the mirror. He dug through the cabinets until he found a familiar little bottle, he popped the cap off with shaky fingers and tipped some onto his hand then he tossed them into his mouth and grabbed the cup of water he always kept by the sink to drink with the pills

The familiar glint of metal caught his eye, he turned to look at the packaged razorblade, he reached out towards it... then swiped it off of the sink and onto the floor before quickly leaving the bathroom but this time he went to Dream's room, laying down on his bed with his eyes tightly shut until he managed to fall asleep again

A/N Guess who's not sleeping tonight :D ... you! And me lmao i'm so tired and sick and I feel like shit

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