💜Chew toys✨

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A/N Alternate title, Puppynap visits Karl and Karl learns that his friend has a slight problem, also, sometimes you get cute fanart but mostly you get cursed images :D Enjoy the fanart because I have some weeeeiiirrrrd shit on my computer<3

"KARL!" He cried happily, running over to hug the brunette, Karl hugged him back with a grin "Hi Sapnap! It's nice to finally meet you in person" They let go of eachother and shut the front the front door, Sapnap set his bags down and sat on the couch while Karl grabbed his can of monster before sitting next to him "So... you wanna take a picture for twitter?"

Sapnap shrugged "I guess so, it'll be an official height check for the fans, you know how much they want it"

Karl pulled his phone out of his pocket "Alright, let's do it in my recording room where i've done my other height checks" They lined up with their backs to the wall, Karl held his phone out and snapped a couple of pictures "I wonder how many people genuinely thought that you were taller" Karl snickered "First i'm gonna ask them to guess who's taller"

"Mhmm, you do that, i'm gonna get something to eat" Sapnap replied, walking over to the kitchen and looking through a few of the cupboards "Karl do you have anything crunchy like apples or doritos?" He called "Yeah, why?" Karl said as he entered the kitchen "I just want something crunchy, y'know, just a random craving"

Karl pulled open a cupboard and grabbed a small bag of cheese supreme doritos, handing them to Sapnap "Here ya' go, are these good enough?" He nodded happily, quickly opening the bag and shoving a handful into his mouth, enjoying the loud crunch they made


Sapnap and Karl were sitting in the living room, Karl was scrolling through his phone and Sapnap was munching on the doritos, he licked the cheese dust off of his fingers and looked over Karl's shoulder "Whatcha' doing?"

Karl shrugged "Just looking at twitters usual stupid drama, most of the comments on my tweet are saying that you're taller so i'm gonna post the height check now, you cool with that?"

"Yeah, go ahead"

Karl started typing while Sapnap watched over his shoulder, he'd eaten the entire bag of doritos but he still wanted something to chew on, usually he'd bite on his nails but they had black nail polish on them and nail polish tastes gross. Being the kemonomimi wolf neko thing he was with an urge to bite something was making him restless so, naturally, he bit Karl on the shoulder

Karl whipped his head around at record speed and shoved Sapnap away "Dude what the hell was that!?"

Sapnap hung his head sheepishly and flattened his ears so that they were hidden by his fluffy hair "Sorry" "Sorry isn't an explantion, why did you fucking BITE me???"

"I don't know, I just did, it was impulsive"

"Well clearly that's something you need to work on, you can't just go around biting people when you feel like it, do you bite Dream?" "No but-" Sapnap replied "What's the difference? What makes you stop when you're living with him, I don't really want you staying here for a few months if you're gonna freaking bite me, your teeth are sharp dude"

Sapnap went a bit red from embarrassment as he tucked his tail between his legs "Well, ummm... he kinda bought me things to... y'know... chew on" "And here I thought I finally had a normal friend but no, one of you sleeps all the time, one of you traumatizes children for a living, one of you has a gambling problem and one of you is a literal puppy, tail, ears and all" Karl sighed

"It's not MY fault that I was born like this"

"You're like a teething child, do I really need to fucking buy CHEW TOYS to stop you from munching on my shoulders?" Karl replied, Sapnap slowly nodded "Yyyyyeah" He stuck his thumb in his mouth, biting on his nail before remembering that he had nail polish on "I mean, you only need to get ONE and i'll give you the money for it, infact, why don't I just go out and get it myself"

"Because you don't know your way around, grab your phone and wallet and whatever else you need then lets go, i've got nothing else to do and I definitely don't want you trying to chew on my shoulder"


Two friends on a couch, one absentmindedly chewing on what was essentially just a ball of solid rubber like a bouncy ball while the other kept glancing over their shoulder


Sapnap looked over at him "So what?"

"So what do you wanna do?"

"I'm pretty happy just to chill here with you, the drive here was pretty boring cause' I was alone for most of it" Karl laughed "Did mister attention seeker get ignored for once?" Sapnap huffed and crossed his arms over his chest "Mmmmmm... yeah"

"C'mere then" Karl replied, opening his arms as the ravenette crawled over and cuddled up to him "Thanks Karl" He said quietly, thumping his tail against the couch "Anytime, Sap, anytime"

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