💚Experiments pt2✨

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A/N I love this AU, I want more content of ram boy and demon bub an no one can fucking stop me... also thanks for 10K views, guess my writing isn't as shitty as I thought

Sapnap sleepily opened his eyes and lifted his head, Dream smiled at him "Good morning! Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah, best sleep i've had in... a long time, I don't really know how long i've in here"

Dream gave him a pat on the back back "Geez, every time you say something it just makes me feel so bad for you" "It's because my life fucking sucks, they threw me in here and I haven't been let out since"

"What did you do though? Just because you bit them doesn't mean that they would lock you in permanent solitary confinement? Is this even any different from your old cell, did you have a cellmate?"

"Yeah, actually, I did! His name was... his name..." He trailed off as his eyes watered up and he dropped his head "I forgot his name" "Oh no no no! Please don't cry" Dream said hurriedly, Sapnap sniffled and wiped his eyes "I forgot his name... I don't remember what he looks like!"

"Shhhh, it's okay, just calm down and think for a moment" Dream said soothingly "I-I... think he had... brown hair and... wore a yellow sweater" Sapnap spoke hesitantly "See? There you go, just take it slow" Dream replied, running his fingers through Sapnap's messy black locks

"Why is your hair so soft? This shouldn't be possible"

Sapnap shrugged ""My hair shouldn't look like this at all but it does, I guess i'm magical"

Dream continued running his fingers through Sap's hair while quietly humming to himself, out of the corner of his eye he saw Sapnap wagging his tail again, it brushed against him and tickled his legs but he decided not to bring it up again "So... do you think that they're just gonna leave me in here with you? The whole point was to see if you would attack me and you're literally doing the opposite, aren't demons supposed to be big and scary?"

"Hey! I'm big and scary! Cower before me, foolish mortal" Sapnap said defensively

"You're sitting on my lap, you're a lot shorter than me and you're wagging your tail because i'm petting your head... mmm yes very terrifying, what're you gonna do next? Start purring?"

"I-" He cut himself off to think for a moment "I actually don't know"

Dream gasped happily "We can find out! Prepare for headpats" He returned his hand to the top of Sapnap's head, Sapnap happily flicked his tail from side to side, it wasn't much but it was the most affection he'd ever received. There was a strange feeling in his chest, it was like a deep rumbling that reminded him of a microwave, it bubbled up and he could hear himself... purring... like a cat

"HAHAAAAAAAA YES" Dream cheered

Sapnap turned around so that his back was leaning against Dream's chest and folded his arms with a huff "Yeah, yeah... whatever" "Wait, do you wanna see something cool?" Dream asked "Yes pleeeease" Sapnap replied excitedly, Dream took off his leather boots and exposed his hooves "I have hooves!"

"Le gasp, you have no toes, you have click clack feet!"

"I do indeed"

"Can you... walk around? I wanna hear them, it's a funny noise" Sapnap asked quietly "Sure" Dream replied, moving Sapnap off of him and standing up, he stomped around in a large circle before sitting down again, Sapnap stood up and walked over to him, sitting back down on his lap "Thank you, I enjoyed that very much, clickity clackity hoof feet are poggies!"

"I'm used to them by now but it's cute to watch you get so excited over hooves"


"Yes, smol, cute and incredibly sad"

"Well yes I am sad, I am somewhat small but I am not cute, I am fearsome and terrifying"

"You are adorable, don't lie to yourself" Dream said "Y'know what? I'm breaking out of this shit hole and you're coming with me"

"Really!? I've never actually been outside, I can't wait"


"I was taken from the underworld, knocked out while travelling so i've never seen the overworld... have you seen it? Is it nice?"

"It's lovely, I used to live in a meadow next to a creek until I was taken... it's funny because my last name is WasTaken... ironic, huh?" "Yeah" "Anyways, back to our main topic, i'm breaking us out of here! Just you wait and see"

"Wonderful, i'm gonna take a nap while you do that, goodnight"


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