💙Airport panic💔

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CW: Overstim, panic attack

"Can you sit still for a MOMENT, I know that you're excited, so am I, but you haven't stopped moving at all in the past ten minutes" Dream groaned "Just watching you spin in endless circles is making ME tired"

Sapnap laughed and stopped spinning, shaggy tail flicking from side to side at a rapid pace as he started moving his hips in sync "I just can't sit still, Dream, I have SO. MUCH. ENERGY"

"I know" Dream replied bluntly "You always do, it's a constant thing that I have to put up with along with you being very... touchy, physically affectionate, while i'm not" "You can complain as much as you want but you know that it's a lie, you like having me around" Sapnap said, Dream sighed "Yeah, whatever, I think that George's plane is landing soon so we should probably drive to the airport now"

"WOOOOO! YAY!" Sapnap cheered, perking up as he started to spin in tight circles again


Sapnap and Dream entered the massive building, Dream had a simple white face mask on, it was the most he could do to cover his face without being conspicious. Sapnap winced at the hundreds of voices talking at once as he tilted his ears down with an almost inaudible whine, Dream seemed unbothered by the excessive noise and carried on without so much as batting an eye, Sapnap trailed behind him with a lot less energy than before

They were waiting in a place where they knew that George would see them as soon as he got in, Sapnap's eyes anxiously darted around the airport as he slowly siddled closer to Dream and pressed up against his side, Dream shrugged him off and stepped away with a laugh "You good, man?" Sapnap just nodded, knowing that if he spoke he would most likely burst into tears, Dream looked back down at his phone as if nothing had happened while Sapnap tucked his now-still tail between his legs. The longer they were there, the worse Sapnap felt, it was getting harder to breath and he was blinking back hot tears but Dream just DIDN'T NOTICE, LIKE, BITCH WTF

Sapnap was feeling a bit dizzy, maybe it was all of the people crammed into one room which made a lot of body heat in this enclosed space, maybe it was tears he was barely keeping at bay or maybe it was both of them combined with all the noises ringing through his ears "I'm going to the bathroom!" He called over his shoulder as he stumbled away from Dream and ran, slamming the door shut and walking over to stand in the corner. He leaned back against the wall, slumping down as he clamped his hands over his ears and felt the salty teardrops slip down his cheeks. He squeezed his eyes shut as he started hyperventilating and let out a few choked sobs, everything was just... too... loud

He was lost in his own little world where everything was obnoxiously bright, he heard the bathroom door swing open but didn't bother looking up, he must've been in that bathroom longer than he thought because the voice he heard was a worried George "Sap? Dream told me that you went to the bathroom and didn't come back, are you in here?" The brunette called out, he finally noticed him and hurried over "Sapnap!"

"George?" He said quietly, sniffling as he slowly looked up "W-when did you get here?" George crouched down beside him "Just a few minutes ago, c'mon, you don't want to be sitting on a bathroom floor" He grabbed Sapnap's forearm and gently pulled him up, wrapping an arm around the boy and holding him close to his side

Sapnap dried his eyes with the palms of his hands but he was still hiccuping as George soothingly rubbed his arm "What's wrong?" George finally asked "I-it's all so loud and bright, I don't like it" Sapnap whispered "I never really liked airports either" George replied "They can be really overwhelming, I think we should go now, staying longer just makes it worse" He grabbed the ravenette's hand and led him out of the bathroom over to Dream who was watching George's luggage, his face lit up and fell as he saw Sapnap, happy to see his friend but also worried by his damp cheeks and glassy eyes

George let go of his hand and nudged him over to Dream, prompting him to go seek comfort from the taller male but Sapnap shook his head, turning and wrapping his arms around George. Dream felt slightly hurt but shook it off as he grabbed one of George's bags and handed it to him, carrying the other himself as the trio made their way out to the parking lot. Dream and George chatting away while Sapnap just held George's hand again, quietly humming a tune as he got lost in his own little world but this time it was a lot happier

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