💜💛Distress and dinner dates💔✨

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CW: Self-degrading thoughts, anxiety attack

A/N Snap and Quack suit time yoo, Kale chip fancy sweater + collared shirt and black jeans time

You're not good enough for them... they're gonna leave you for each other

Why can't you just be better?

They're funny and smart and beautiful... and you're just the annoying guy that everybody has to put up with

"Can you hear me?"

He jumped at the sudden sound, snapping out of his daze and locking eyes with Karl, flashing an uneasy grin at the brunette before doing the same for Quackity, his mind seemed to go blank so he had to just make up a bullshit excuse "Yeah, sorry, I just zoned out a bit" They both gave him a weird look before carrying on like nothing ever happened other than the occasional glances over at him when they thought that he wasn't looking

Throughout the entire meal, Sapnap felt like it was burning hot inside of the restaurant but he didn't know how to properly excuse himself without worrying his fiances, he kept tugging at the collar of his suit "I... I, umm, I need to go to the bathroom for a moment" He said suddenly as he stared down at his lap, quickly getting up from his seat at the reservation and trying to make his way over to the restrooms as soon as possible without catching unwanted attention

Once he'd reached the bathroom, he tried to lock the door behind him but there was no way to do that... he'd just have to shut himself in a stall and hope that nobody else came into the restroom. Once he was sure that he was alone in the bathroom, he sat down on the toilet lid and let his shoulders slump with a shaky sigh

"Fuuuuuuck, fuck, fuck me" He muttered under his breath, trying to correct his hitched breathing but he couldn't focuse because he could feel the beads of sweat rolling down the back of his neck. Sapnap lifted his arms up above his head and grabbed at his suit jacket, swiftly tugging it off before moving his hands to the buttons of his once crisp white dress shirt, ripping it open before tossing it to the floor along with the jacket

He didn't even register the tears dripping down his flustered cheeks as he curled his legs up to his stomach, wrapping his arms around himself and squeezing his eyes shut as he rested his chin against his chest. Ragged breaths escaped in batches, sometimes he choked out a damp sob as he shook, his thoughts started swimming around in his frenzied mind as he continued to break out in a full fledged panic, feeling detached from his body yet still unable to escape it

Something vibrated in his pocket but it still didn't trigger enough thought to cause him to actually notice it, he was paying more attention to the fact that he felt like he was running out of oxygen and was still burning up despite stripping his top layer down to nothing but a loose-fitting black short sleeved shirt. His heart was pounding inside of his chest, making it feel more and more constricted with every second that passed, his breathing got shallower and shallower along with it until he was just constantly panting

The pounding in his chest seemed to move to his mind, worsening the pain that flowed through his body and somehow making his anxious thoughts more prominent through the headache. A feeling of dread rushed through his veins, taking over as the current strongest emotion that he could feel despite the flurry of practically every other negative feeling possible

As if out of nowhere, there was a loud noise echoing in the room and piercing voices ringing through his ears, Sapnap just shut them out and tightened his grip around himself with a whimper. Suddenly, it went silent and he heard the main bathroom door open before swinging shut, opening again only a couple moments later

There was a clunking noise before something twisted and clicked, causing the stall door to swing open and reveal two people standing there, one holding a small silver key and the other with their hands stuffed into their jean pockets. Quackity quietly gasped before shoving the key away and stepping over to Sapnap, clasping the boy's hands in his own "What happened, mi amor?"

A/N Currently using my minimal knowledge of Spanish from an old languages class ;-;

Sapnap just sniffled in response, looking anywhere but at his boyfriends as a look of shame spread across his face, Karl moved closer to stand beside Quackity but crouched down so that he would be face to face with the ravenette "Baby, what's wrong..?" He asked in a calming voice, trying to coax his partner into speaking but the boy seemed content with staying mute, the only noise leaving his mouth being hiccups

Quackity's expression morphed from wide eyes and scared to only a bit worried, now knowing that his fiance wasn't laying dead or unconscious on the floor inside of this damned bathroom stall. He released Sapnap's hands and stepped back, making room for Karl to stand directly in front of the ravenette, anxiously fiddling with his rings as he moved his feet

Karl stood back up and leaned down, preferring to be standing hunched over than kneeling on the hard tiles that made up the floor "Listen, Sap, you can't just make your problems go away by actively ignoring them" He said wisely "You have to TELL us so that we can HELP you"

Sapnap's eyes watered up again but he blinked them back, instead, getting up and throwing himself into the taller's arms with an almost inaudible whine, Karl returned the hug while Quackity shuffled over again and wrapped his arms around the ravenette "We're here, love, just tell us what's wrong..."

The younger shuddered before pulling back a bit so that he could look at them, quickly coughing to clear his throat "You're gonna leave me, aren't you? Of course, why would you guys of all people be the ones that stay... there are so many better options, i'm just not good enough so you should leave already! Just rip it like a bandaid and tell me that you're leaving, I-I can take it" He said rushedly, barely managing to get one word off of his lips before starting on the next

"What!?" Quackity replied in shock "What the fuck!? No! Why would we leave you, Sap, you're our fiance, you're great just the way you are and we fucking love you" Karl cleared his throat as well before chiming in "Babe, we're literally engaged and you think that we don't like you? Like Quackity said, you're fucking awesome and we love you! You're literally perfect, there's nobody that could ever even come close to being better, don't you dare doubt yourself"

Sapnap's expression shifted into a weary smile, stifling a quiet yawn "Y-you guys really mean it..?"

"Of course!" They both replied in almost perfect unison

"Well... you should both go and finish your meals, you're probably pretty hungry, while I just go sit in the car for a bit" Sapnap said with an inaudible sigh "Mmmm... nope!" Karl responded before gently cupping his chin in both hands and planting a affectionate kiss on the ravenette's soft lips "This was supposed to be a dinner date so it's either all of us or none of us" Quackity added as Karl pulled away, copying the brunette's previous action and quickly kissing his fiance

Sapnap quietly giggled as he interlocked one hand with each of them, having to reach behind him to hold hands with Quackity "You're both so stubborn, why waste some perfectly good food?"

"So that we can take care of our perfectly good love" Karl replied "We're gonna take you home and maybe watch some anime before cuddling up and going to sleep, doesn't that just sound so much better than eating at this stuck up place?" "Okay okay... I suppose that you're right" Sapnap mumbled, breaking away from their grip and moving towards the door before he was scooped up "Wh- hey! I can walk myself" He exclaimed to no avail, they both pretended not to hear him as they tossed the cash payment down on their table before leaving the restaurant "Put. Me. Down" He repeated

Once again, they just almost silently laughed to themselves while acting like they couldn't hear his protests

"Whatever" He sighed in defeat, honestly finding it more enjoyable to be carried back to the car rather than walking those couple blocks... but he would never admit that, the pair would never let him live down liking to be held bridal style "My feet still hurt from walking to that place anyways"

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